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Monrovia Drivers' Checkpoint - Sobriety Tests and Citations

435 motorists were stopped at a DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint on Saturday night, August 30. Three drivers had sobriety tests conducted to determine their alcohol impairment level, two other drivers were issued citations for driving unlicensed, and one driver was issued a citation for having an open alcoholic beverage in his car. Every driver was given safety information supplied by the Southern California Automobile Club on the dangers of drinking and driving.  

The checkpoint was held on Myrtle Avenue, south of Duarte Road, from 7 p.m. to midnight. 

Checkpoints are hosted on days of the week at specific locations based on a history of crashes and DUI arrests in the area. 

The primary purpose of checkpoints is not to make arrests, but to promote public safety by deterring motorists from driving impaired, and deterring their friends and family from allowing someone to drive impaired. 

As businesses continue to reopen, including bars and restaurants, impaired driving remains a top traffic safety concern.  The Monrovia Police Department will hold another DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint on Saturday night, September 26. 

Source: Monrovia Police press release

- Brad Haugaard

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