Unhappy Monrovia School Board Member | Hot Days at Hand | Old Town Music
~ Temperatures in Monrovia expected to be up to 102 by Monday. http://goo.gl/wcdgX
~ Video: Music on the street in Old Town Monrovia. http://goo.gl/WM0po
- Brad Haugaard
Governor Brown Signs Portantino Long-Gun Legislation
Violations are a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and/or a fine of up to $1000. Law enforcement personnel are exempt as are hunters and others carrying unloaded weapons under specified licensed circumstances and in most rural areas.
Source: Portantino press release
- Brad Haugaard
Lunch at T Burgers
- Brad Haugaard
210 Eastbound Closures
- Brad Haugaard
Senator Bob Huff on State Government Successes and Failures
- Pension reform: "The good news: The State Legislature finally got around to passing pension reform legislation. The bad news: It doesn't solve most of our problems."
- On workers compensation: "Republicans and Democrats reached across the aisle to pass legislation that will reduce costs on employers while increasing benefits for workers who are injured on the job."
- CEQA: "The Legislature missed a golden opportunity to open up the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to a series of reforms during the final two weeks of legislative session. If there is any good news out of this failure, it's this: There is a new coalition building in favor of CEQA reform."
More here: http://goo.gl/xD2Jn
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia vs. St Francis in Football | Los Victor's Gets a B | Got a Spare Refrigerator?
~ Monrovia's Los Victor's Mexican restaurant gets a "B" rating from county. http://goo.gl/MjywS
~ Monrovia High snack bar needs a refrigerator and deep freezer. If you have one you'd like to donate, contact the Monrovia High ASB office.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Drone Used to Monitor Environment
- Brad Haugaard
Text a Business Suggestion for Pavilions Center to Monrovia City Hall
In her weekly letter, City Manager Laurie Lile adds: "After the Council provides their direction on our proposal, we will be coming to you with a variety of ways that you can participate, from texting us your comments, connecting to us through our website, to attending a “town-hall” meeting. The success of this effort will rely a lot on the willingness of our residents and stakeholders to talk to us and share their views."
And, "Starting with a Fill-Up Old Town campaign, the City’s Economic Development Department is actively seeking out input from residents, shoppers and businesses via text message to weigh in on what new businesses the City should attract to Old Town."
Source: http://goo.gl/unouo
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Council: Hire PR for Lawsuit, Money for Strategic Plan, Oppose Defense Cuts, SG Valley Council of Governments
~ Paying $8,000 a month for the rest of the year to Cerrell Associates, Inc., to provide public relations in the Station Square Transit Village development lawsuit. "[I]t is critically important to embark on a public outreach campaign that will inform Monrovia residents and our community the facts of the lawsuit, as well as provide litigation support.
~ Spending up to $65,450 "to develop a new City-wide Strategic Plan to guide the City's programs and services in this time of budgetary constraints."
~ A proposal to oppose federal government "sequestration" cuts that would affect defense. This is relevant to Monrovia because Monrovia companies Roncelli Plastics, AeroVironment, and Ducommun Aerostructures could suffer layoffs. Interesting stats: Roncelli's business is 30% defense related; AeroVironment 80%; and Ducommun Aerostructures 49%.
~ Spending $16,000 to be a member of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments.
- Brad Haugaard
Another Lawsuit Against Monrovia?
The announcement says: "A point has been reached where there is a significant exposure to litigation against the Agency, in the opinion of the Agency on the advice of its legal counsel, based on the Notice of Proposed Eminent Domain Proceeding and of Opportunity to be Heard sent to the Agency by the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority on August 28, 2012." http://goo.gl/WakUr
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Armed Robbery and Carjacking
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for September 24-26 -Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 479 service events, resulting in 69 investigations.
Car-Jacking / Armed Robbery
September 25 at 6:38 a.m., a male victim called police and reported that he just had his vehicle taken from him at gunpoint on Fifth Avenue, between Chestnut and Walnut. One of the suspects approached the victim and asked if he would help jump start his late 1980's, small, white, pickup truck. The truck was occupied by another suspect and was parked on Fifth Avenue. The victim agreed to help and drove his vehicle up to the suspect's vehicle, at which time one of the suspects pointed a small, silver-colored handgun at the victim and demanded all his money. The victim complied and the suspects fled the area, one in the suspect's pickup truck and the other in the victim's 2002, green Dodge Caravan.
Suspect one, the driver of the pickup, is only described as a male, unknown race. Suspect two, the suspect who took the victim's money and drove off in his vehicle, is described as a male White, in his late 30's, 5'9" tall, thin build, with blond shoulder length hair, wearing blue jeans and a blue T-shirt with a circle logo on the front. Officers searched the area for the suspects, but were unable to locate them. Investigation continuing.
- Brad Haugaard
Yemen to Get Drones from Monrovia's AeroVironment | Firefighter Builds 'Little Libraries'
~ Monrovia firefighter builds "little libraries" for Monrovia Reads. http://goo.gl/2lUCy
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia High Band Fundraiser
Monrovia Olympian, Kim Rhode, Will Be Grand Marshal of Pomona Parade
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Teacher an LA County Teacher of the Year | Liu in Dubious Tax Scheme? | Uniforms to Kosovo | The Bug Man | Halloween Parade
~ This article asks if State Senator Carol Liu, who is running to represent the Monrovia area, was involved in a dubious tax shelter scheme. http://goo.gl/oxpc1
~ Wine of the Month Club owner, Paul Kalemkiarian, packs softball uniforms off to Kosovo. http://goo.gl/Oi662
~ Steven Kutcher, The Bug Man, will talk about entomology (that's bugs), and his work in Hollywood at 7 p.m. on Oct. 17 at the Monrovia Canyon Park cabin. Free.
~ Halloween Costume Contest and Parade of Characters on October 31. http://goo.gl/PKMi5
- Brad Haugaard
Wine Tasting at Big Shrimps Restaurant
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Stealing a Bike from 12-Year-Old, Thieves Make off With Safe, Etc.
Removing Palm Trees in Monrovia
- Brad Haugaard
The Gold Line Bridge As It Will Soon Look
- Brad Haugaard
Brown Signs Portantino Mammogram and Disaster Prep Legislation
Source: Portantino press release
- Brad Haugaard
Patch to Get Remake | Maryknoll Brunch | Comedy at Monrovian
~ Maryknoll Sisters of Monrovia is celebrating the final event of its centennial year: a Centennial Brunch/Bake Sale and Country Store will on Sunday Oct. 28 from 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Adults, $15, Children under 12, $7. At 300 Norumbega Drive, Monrovia. Grand Raffle - first prize $1,000; second prize $500.00, and third prize $250.00. Raffle tickets are a $2 donation each, or a book of 12 for $20. Drawing at 2 p.m. Winner need not be present. For more information call (626) 358-1825. Food, a centennial display, shop for baked goods, treats and crafts. Admittance is free to the centennial display, bake sale, and country store.
~ Comedy to make a difference at the Monrovian: http://goo.gl/L39tX
- Brad Haugaard
Trader Joe's Recalls Peanut Butter
- Brad Haugaard
White Saddle Construction
- Brad Haugaard
Former Monrovia Store, Outlet EOS, Now in Azusa
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia E-Waste Round Up | Free Health Check | Calling Singers
~ Get a free health check on Saturday, October 13, from 9 a.m. â" 3 p.m., at SET for LIFE's 8th Annual "Healthy Living for LIFE Expo 50 " at the Fannie M. Goodwin Education Center, 925 South Shamrock Ave., in Monrovia. Families can get free stroke, cholesterol, diabetes, low vision, BMI, hearing and blood pressure screenings with no pre-registration. Raffle prizes, live music and free lunch for anyone who gets four or more screenings. To register for a free mammogram, call (951) 485-4031. For details, http://setforlifenews.org or (626) 386-8071.
~ Monrovia-based San Gabriel Valley Choral Company is looking for singers. Details: http://goo.gl/b3OSy
- Brad Haugaard
Space Shuttle Endeavor Flies By Monrovia
- Brad Haugaard
Lunch at Chang's Thai Bistro
- Brad Haugaard
Antonovich Slams Governor on Potential Early Release of Prisoners
- Brad Haugaard
Eastbound 210 - All Lanes Closed Late-Nights this Coming Week
- Brad Haugaard
South Hills Over Monrovia :-(
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia School Board to Evaluate Superintendent
- Brad Haugaard
Nature Paintings | Homeless Hygene | Ballot Proposition Session
Monrovia Police Tips: Foil Vehicle Burglaries
a vehicle to burglarize or steal from. It is up to you to make every
effort to prevent your car from being targeted. Here are some basic
tips that will make your vehicle a little less inviting to thieves:
*LOCK your car!
*Always park in well-lighted areas.
*Install motion lights in your driveway.
*Install and use a vehicle alarm.
*DO NOT leave valuables in plain view.
*Leave all items of value at home if possible.
*Look around when you park. Notice anyone or anything suspicious?
Write down license plates and descriptions. Alert on-site security
or staff and CALL the police.
Many auto burglaries or thefts from cars occur right in a residential
driveway, and too often, it is because the vehicle was never locked.
Suspects will often target cars that are left unlocked, walking up and
down a street trying car doors all the way. Take the time to secure
your vehicle. Other thieves target victims by watching what is placed
inside a trunk or hatch. If you plan on stopping by the gym, park, or
elsewhere after work, take the time before you leave to place your
belongings safely in the trunk. Don't wait until you park to then
transfer your laptop, purse, bag, or briefcase to the trunk. Thieves
may be watching and targeting your car.
These are just a few tips to help prevent you from becoming a victim
of auto burglary. Be proactive, look around, and most importantly,
don't hesitate to call the police if you see something or someone
Source: Monrovia Police Department
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Repossessed Repossessed Car is Repossessed, Etc.
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for September 17-19 -Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 488 service events, resulting in 83 investigations.
Medical Assist
September 19 at 1:39 a.m., police received a call reporting a man not breathing at a residence in the 800 block of West Walnut. Officers responded and found a 50-year-old man unconscious. They administered four shocks from an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and performed CPR until they were relieved by Monrovia Fire Department paramedics. The victim was taken to a hospital for further treatment.
Grand Theft Auto Recovered
September 19 at 3:07 p.m., a stolen vehicle was located in the backyard of a residence in the 100 block of East Los Angeles Street. The vehicle had been previously repossessed from the location. The repossession company in Los Angeles discovered the vehicle was missing from their lot and reported in stolen to the Los Angeles Police Department. The vehicle was discovered in the backyard of the residence, exactly where it had been repossessed from a few days prior. The vehicle was recovered and returned to the repossession company. Investigation continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
September 19 at 9:50 p.m., a vehicle burglary occurred in the 200 block of Grand. Witnesses saw two suspects ransacking the victim's truck, which was parked on the street. Tools were stolen from the vehicle. The victim reported that the vehicle was locked. The suspects gained entry by an unknown means. Suspect #1 is described as a male Hispanic, 20 to 30 years old, 5'9" to 6'0" tall, dark hair, a tattoo on the left side of his neck, wearing a gray shirt and dark pants. Suspect #2 is described as a male Hispanic, 20 to 30 years old, 5'6" tall, wearing a gray sweatshirt and dark pants. The suspects fled in a small vehicle with round tail lights. Investigation continuing.
Detective Bureau Case Follow-up: Attempted Murder Case Update
Detectives investigated a shooting that occurred on September 15 involving three suspects. The suspects fired two or three shots at a male and female sitting on the porch of a residence in the 100 block of East Los Angeles Street. The female was hit in the torso and upper right leg by what appears to be bird shot from a shotgun. A van matching the suspect vehicle description was seen entering the 210 Freeway and was followed and stopped by police on the 605 Freeway. The van was positively identified as the suspect vehicle and the three suspects inside were arrested. The female victim is in stable condition.
Detectives filed the case with the District Attorney's Office and felony charges of attempted murder were filed against the suspects. The suspects were arraigned and are being held for a preliminary hearing.
Latino Art Display
- Brad Haugaard
New Monrovia Christmas Tree | Money for Trees | Women's Club
~ Speaking of the windstorm, Monrovia will get $40,134 to replant trees it lost in the storm, according to Supervisor Michael Antonovich. http://goo.gl/72ZYo
~ The local women's group, Newcomers and Friends of San Gabriel Valley, is having a meet and greet coffee on Wednesday, October 3, at 10 am to noon. Details: http://goo.gl/0h7Ro
- Brad Haugaard
Donnelly Urges Another Veto
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia vs South Hills Preview | George Frazier | Details on Shooting
~ Profile of Monrovia football's George Frazier. http://goo.gl/Wuk0f
~ Details on Monrovia drive-by shooting that wounded woman. It was gang related. http://goo.gl/T53uT
- Brad Haugaard
Senator Huff on 'Missed Opportunities' for Reform
- Brad Haugaard
Donnelly Urges Veto of Vaccination Bill
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Attempted Murder; Airborne Driver Kills Light Pole, Causes Fire; Drunk in Public
Gold Line Nears Completion

Route 66 Talk
- Brad Haugaard
103 Today in Monrovia | Power Outage Update
~ Southern California Edison reports that the remaining 37 customers affected by the power outage that started yesterday should have power restored by 6:03 p.m. today. Cause of the outage is listed as "extreme heat," which apparently caused equipment failure. http://goo.gl/fW8Tq
- Brad Haugaard
Temperature Hits 106 | Monrovia Activities Brochure | Dog Hunting
~ Monrovia's fall/winter activities brochure. You should get one in the mail, but here it is if you need it, all 20 pages: http://goo.gl/BaE7s
~ Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, writes an "open letter" to Governor Jerry Brown asking him to veto SB 1221, which would prohibit hunting bear and bobcats with dogs. He said, "It would not, however, prohibit the state's own rangers from doing so. This is the apex of government hypocrisy..." http://goo.gl/uBXzM
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Power Outage
UPDATE: Southern California Edison reports that the problem began at 2:29 p.m. and is affecting 1,136 customers. Estimates power will be mostly restored by 4 p.m. Cause is unknown. http://goo.gl/fW8Tq
UPDATE 2: Estimated Restoration Time: Currently Being Re-evaluated; Customers Impacted: 2019.
UPDATE 3: Estimate of the number of customers affected has been reduced to 496.
UPDATE 4: 5:29 p.m. - Estimate of the number of customers affected has been bumped up to 1085.
UPDATE 5: 9:48 p.m. SCE is estimating the problem will be fixed by 2 a.m. tomorrow, with 454 customers affected.
- Brad Haugaard
Lunch at Cafe Opera
- Brad Haugaard
Lots of Full Nighttime Closures of Eastbound 210
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Council: Business Visitation, Gang Report, Greenhouse Gas
~ The city is planning a three-month program to visit businesses in Old Town. The report says that while the "economic engine of Monrovia is found primarily throughout Huntington Drive, auto row, and in manufacturing zones near the I-210 Freeway, Old Town Monrovia is the symbolic heartbeat of the community." http://goo.gl/caOhp
~ The mid-year report from the Monrovia Police Department on the anti-gang program, Operation Safe Neighborhoods, shows quite small crime numbers. Details: http://goo.gl/1jAEv
~ As part of California's requirement that "greenhouse gas emissions to be reduced to 1990 levels by 2020," the Monrovia City Council will hear an Administrative Draft Energy Action Plan. Lots of data here: http://goo.gl/NHgiB
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Activities: MAP, Sports, and Classes
~ The Monrovia Community Center is offering flag football and cheer for kids, and classes for youth and adults. Youth classes include: Lego building, drawing, soccer and Mad Science. Adult classes include: Zumba, Mommy Fitness, Pilates, Beer and Bread and Jewelry Making.
Source: http://goo.gl/YXEsC
- Brad Haugaard
Rose Gardens Project | Relief to China | Sacramento Successes and Failures | CrossFit Remembers 9-11
~ Monrovia Christian relief organization, World Vision, has sent 1,000 hygiene kits and 113 big tent covers to the earthquake disaster zone in Yunnan Province, China, to supplement government relief efforts. http://goo.gl/eNwE6
~ Video: Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, outlines the budget successes and failures during the latest Senate session in Sacramento. http://goo.gl/yRLio
~ CrossFit Monrovia honors 9-11 victims. http://goo.gl/qGnrE
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Felon With Body Armor, Biker Volunteers for Arrest, Bullying, Etc.
Hot Days | Monrovia Book Sale | Staar Board Member | Damage at Mt. Sierra
~ The Friends of the Monrovia Public Library Fall Sale, with more than 5,000 books, will be held on October 13 & 14 in both Library Park and the Library Community Room from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The famous $2 a Bag Sale is on Sunday from 3-5 p.m. All proceeds benefit the Monrovia Public Library. Prices for regular books and media range from 25¢ to $2. Collectables are individually priced from $5 to $40. Book sellers are welcome, scanners are not permitted.
~ Charles Slacik, CPA, 58, has joined the board of Monrovia's Staar Surgical. Mr. Slacik has over 30 years of executive level experience in the health care industry. http://goo.gl/suuw2
~ A fire at Mt. Sierra College caused $15,000 damage. http://goo.gl/D4ZMc
- Brad Haugaard
Look-Ahead Football Video: Monrovia vs. San Dimas
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Comedy Night | Donnelly Objects
~ Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, writes "An Open Letter to Governor Brown" asking him to veto AB 1081, which in an earlier message, he said would turn California into "a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants" ( http://goo.gl/s1Qbj ). Also, he criticizes Brown for raising taxes on lumber: http://goo.gl/fLHX1
- Brad Haugaard
Old Track Removed at Monrovia Station
- Brad Haugaard
Meeting about Wildfires on the Edge of Town
Monrovia Flags at Half-Staff for 9-11
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Black Tape Over Licence Plates is Suspicious, Vehicle Burglaries
GoDaddy Takes Down MonroviaNow.com
Update: GoDaddy.com is now saying it was fully responsible for the outage that took down websites around the world, so apparently not hackers. In an apology letter to customers the company said, "The service outage was due to a series of internal network events that corrupted router data tables." It said no customer information was released and it is giving to each customer a credit "for the value of 1-month of service for each of your active/published sites."
- Brad Haugaard
Health Screening | New Thrift Store Opening | Toastmaster Club
~ United Thrift, a new thrift store, is opening in Monrovia to benefit the Foothills Pregnancy Resource Center and First United Methodist Church of Monrovia. The store will be at the church (140 E. Palm) and will hold an open house October 17 from 6-9 p.m.
~ A new Toastmasters Club is opening at the Monrovia Y. Toastmasters teaches public speaking.
- Brad Haugaard
City Manager: Monrovia Bond Rating Should Go Up When Lawsuit Resolved
- Brad Haugaard
New Monrovia Food-Truck Regulations Coming
- Brad Haugaard
Read Across Monrovia
young students in town on Oct. 11 from 8 to about 9 a.m. Contact
Joanne Spring if interested: jspring@altrionet.com.
- Brad Haugaard
Batchelder Tile Designs in New Monrovia Train Station
- Brad Haugaard
E-Waste Round-Up Sept. 29 at Monrovia's Mt. Sierra College
- Brad Haugaard
Donnelly's '10 Worst Bills' | Mei Mei Huff's Radio Program
~ Mei Mei Huff, the wife of State Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, has a new Mandarin-language radio program in the LA area on KAZN AM1600 at 7 p.m. Saturdays. Huff said on Facebook that she will discuss politics "from a pro-jobs, limited government viewpoint, but what did you expect?"
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia 52, Arcadia 17 :-)
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Schools: Finances, Purchase of iPads, School Facilities Use
~ Review its "Unaudited Actuals - Annual Statements of the revenue, expenditures and the ending fund balances for all district funds for the 2011-12 fiscal year." http://goo.gl/5et0X
~ Consider buying Apple iPads for classroom use, for $238,509.38. http://goo.gl/uLw2g
~ Consider policies on the use of school facilities.
- Brad Haugaard
Detail Being Revealed on 210 Bridge | Blood Drive
Lunch at Tastee Express
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Albertson's Appears to Survive
- Brad Haugaard
White in Two | Electronics Recycling
AeroVironment Stock Drops | Monrovia FD to Remember 9-11
~ At 6:50 a.m. on Tuesday, September 11, the Monrovia Fire Department will join 43 other area fire departments to raise and lower the flag to half-staff in honor of the 343 firefighters and 72 police officers died in the 9-11 terrorist attack. http://goo.gl/RXt3K
- Brad Haugaard
Candidate Judy Chu Speaks at Democratic Convention | City to Repeal Food Truck Ban
~ City to repeal ban on food trucks. http://goo.gl/X7GA1 . Suit costs city more than $200,000. http://goo.gl/jFMd2
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Unlocked Car Leads to Missing Purse, Mountain Lion Tips
Talk By True Crime Author Chip Jacobs
- Brad Haugaard
AeroVironment gets $16.5 Million from Army - Plus Lots More Later
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Council Member Becky Shevlin Wins Woman Achievers Award
Monrovia Police Holding No-Questions-Asked Prescription Drug Collection
Monrovia's AeroVironment Reports a Loss, But an Expected Loss
"Fiscal 2013 is unfolding consistent with our range of expectations for the year. We anticipated a typically low revenue first quarter would produce a net loss because we are staffed and investing to achieve the growth we expect in the second half of this year and beyond," said AeroVironment chairman and chief executive officer Tim Conver. "First quarter revenue of $58.7 million was about $3 million less than we expected, attributable to contract timing, and produced a loss per share of $0.06." http://goo.gl/BTBd8
- Brad Haugaard
Hot Rod Show, Free Oil Filters
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia's Credit Rating Cut by Standard and Poor's
Jack in the Box Proceeds
- Brad Haugaard
Funny in Russian | Selena Gomez | Huff vs Tax Measure
~ Selena Gomez filming "Feed the Dog" in Monrovia. http://goo.gl/BG3ay
~ Video: Senator Bob Huff (who represents Monrovia) objects to a measure to raise taxes on business by more than $1 billion to pay for spending for scholarships. Huff said it would blow a $900 million hole in the budget. The measure failed. http://goo.gl/vJcX1
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Bank Robbery, Caught on Video, Theft from Unlocked Car, Knife in Library, Etc.
Cafe LuMar | HIV Summit | Freeway Closure
~ Reminder: Full closure of eastbound 210 Freeway tonight for Gold Line bridge work, from midnight to 5 a.m. It will also be closed same hours on Wednesday and Thursday, and on Sept. 9-13.
~ California Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, and City of Hope are teaming up with fashion designer and HIV activist Mondo Guerra for an HIV/AIDS Summit at 9 a.m. on September 12 at City of Hope, 1500 E. Duarte Rd., Duarte.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia YMCA to Honor 92-Year-Old Swim Coach
After 25 years of teaching the swimnastics class at the Santa Anita Family YMCA, Colonel Don Carver is hanging up his trunks.
Carver, who just turned 92 in March, will be honored for his weekly water workouts at a retirement celebration at 6 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 7 at the Santa Anita Family YMCA, 501 S. Mountain Avenue. All are welcomed to attend the event, where he will receive a plaque and other certificates of recognition for his service.
"This class has helped keep me going for well over 25 years," Colonel Carver said. "I am thankful for the opportunity, and I’ve enjoyed the wonderful camaraderie with all the people I’ve encountered over the years."
Hundreds of people are expected to attend his retirement celebration on Sept. 7 to honor a man that has kept them healthy by leading the water exercises and keeping his "mermaids" – as he refers to those in his mostly senior group – kicking. Colonel Carver was born in Indiana on March 30, 1920. He served in the military for 23 years, during which time he was piloting cargo jets for the military and later flying government-contracted planes all over the world, including flying dangerous transport missions into Vietnam during the war. Carver has lived all over the world until he settled 1965 in Monrovia.
In 1984, Colonel Carver became a member of the YMCA, where played basketball and swam. His transition to teaching the swimastics class started in 1992 on a substituting basis to help a friend in need. But it wasn’t too long before he took the helm as the leading coach every Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the water aerobics class.
In 2000, Colonel Carver told the San Gabriel Valley Weekly – who wrote a story about his 80th birthday and his dedication to teaching at the YMCA – that he is fond of the class because it keeps him connected to people and keeps him healthy.
"I see a lot of people my age," the Colonel told the Weekly in 2000. "They get back to a certain age and let the old rockin’ chair get them and that’s it."
But the Colonel has not let age stop him from doing the things he enjoys. Aside from his time at the YMCA, he likes to play golf, swim at the Y, participate in the American Legion, plays basketball and baseball, has a USS Iowa membership, is an avid gin rummy player and is a fierce crossword puzzler.
"Col. Carver exemplifies what it means to serve others. During his decades of volunteering at the Y, he has helped countless people improve their health and enhance the quality of their lives," said Damon Colaluca, executive director of the Santa Anita YMCA. "At the Y, we believe that neighbors helping neighbors makes a community strong. Thank you Col. Carver for serving as a shining example of that belief." For more information about the event, contact Cheryl Reynolds at (626) 359-9244 or by e-mail at cherylreynolds@ymcala.org.
Source: YMCA press release
- Brad Haugaard
Students Talk to Astronauts | Staar Adds Leaders | Gangster Rock
~ Monrovia's Staar Surgical adds leadership "as it builds a stronger foundation to drive growth opportunities." http://goo.gl/DbosT
~ Gangster Rock, at the Library. A Taiwanese film about a gangster who fights a record company and help the musicians. Sept. 6, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. http://goo.gl/uwBi2
- Brad Haugaard
Historic Monrovia Train Station
- Brad Haugaard
Frustrating Copy Machine Leads to Arrest of Monrovian
- Brad Haugaard
Assemblyman Tim Donnelly Runs Down the Clock to Prevent 'Bad Laws'
He cited a San Francisco Chronicle article that said those hours were "made a bit longer in the Assembly by Assemblyman Tim Donnelly ... who spoke - yelled, actually, and often drifted to unrelated issues - on seemingly every one of the hundreds of measures."
Donnelly writes:
"I believe we shouldn't just pass 550 bills, we should know what is in them, and sometimes the best way to do that is ask questions and spark a debate. I also hoped to slow down the pace of bad laws being passed by running out the clock at midnight. There were a number of bills that never made it to the floor due in part to this strategy along with the coordinated efforts of my colleagues."
- Brad Haugaard
Structural Work Done on 210 Bridge
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Loses to Ayala :-( | Haggler Bandit
~ Police look for Haggler Bandit, who struck in Monrovia and five other local banks. http://goo.gl/I778R
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia School Up in STAR California Education Test Results
Summary shows Monrovia schools are up in all CST categories:
- 2011: http://goo.gl/zMsXg
- 2012: http://goo.gl/y4C4L
Here are detailed results for Monrovia Unified in general:
- 2011: http://goo.gl/KfEoD
- 2012: http://goo.gl/WyTKf
And if you'd like to break it down by school, select a school then press "View Report":
- 2011: http://goo.gl/63xEX
- 2012 http://goo.gl/2SBYz
- Brad Haugaard