Police Activity - Sept 23-29
RobberySeptember 23 at 6:27 a.m., an officer responded to Duarte and Myrtle regarding a robbery that had just occurred. A female victim reported that a male subject in his early 20's, thin build, buzzed haircut, no facial hair, and wearing a baggie gray sweatshirt exited a vehicle and punched her. The suspect grabbed her purse and got back into a black, four-door vehicle, possibly a Nissan Maxima, and fled southbound on Myrtle. The victim sustained a cut above her right eye. Investigation continuing.
Grand TheftSeptember 23 at 12:54 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a residence in the 700 block of West Duarte regarding a theft. The victim parked his motorized bicycle in front of his door in the evening, but failed to secure it. The next day, he went outside to go to work and found his bicycle was missing. He did not hear anything suspicious during the night.
Possession of a Controlled Substance - Suspects ArrestedSeptember 24 at 2:18 a.m., an officer observed a suspicious vehicle near a business in the 3000 block of Peck Road. As the officer approached the vehicle, the female passenger tossed a folded one dollar bill out the window. The officer retrieved the bill and found cocaine inside. Both female subjects were taken into custody, one for an outstanding warrant and the other for the possession of a controlled substance.
AssaultSeptember 24 at 2:41 p.m., an officer met with the victim of an assault who had come to the police station to file a report. The victim was in a wheelchair and was accompanied by a friend. The victim reported that he had been at a bar in 300 block of West Huntington on Friday, September 17. He said he had been drinking and that two subjects had assaulted him. He was driven to a hospital and admitted for injuries. The victim did not have much information to provide about the incident. Investigation continuing.
Residential BurglaryOn September 24 at 10:41 p.m., an officer responded to the 500 block of East Foothill regarding a residential burglary. Unknown suspects had entered the victim's residence and the victim's rear house through open bathroom windows. Once inside, the locations the suspects stole a television and power tools. The investigation is continuing.
Driving Under the Influence - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 25 at 2:34 a.m., an officer stopped a motorist at Evergreen and Mayflower for an unsafe turning movement. A subsequent investigation revealed the driver was intoxicated. The driver was arrested for driving under the influence.
Grand TheftSeptember 25 at 10:41 a.m., an officer responded to the parking lot of a business in the 100 block of West Foothill regarding a theft. The female victim had pushed her shopping cart to her vehicle. As she opened the door of her car, a vehicle pulled up next to the shopping cart and a subject grabbed her purse from the cart and they fled in the vehicle. Investigation continuing.
BurglarySeptember 25 at 3:56 p.m., a business in the 500 block of West Huntington reported a theft. An officer responded and determined a subject had walked into the store, grabbed a mesh shopping bag, selected three men's electric shavers and exited the store without paying. As the loss prevention officers exited the store, they saw the suspect getting into a burgundy Toyota Camry that fled the scene. Investigation continuing.
Possession of a Controlled Substance - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 26 at 3:55 a.m., an officer was on patrol and saw a suspicious vehicle parked on Ivy, south of Huntington. As he made contact with the occupant, he noticed the odor of marijuana coming from inside the vehicle. The suspect admitted to having marijuana and ecstasy pills in his vehicle and consented to a search of the vehicle. The officer located a small amount of marijuana and 16 tablets of Ecstasy that were concealed in the door panel of the vehicle. The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.
Grand Theft Auto Recovery / Mental EvaluationSeptember 27 at 8:52 p.m., dispatch received a call reporting that a mentally unstable, male subject had left a facility in Pasadena and was possibly in the Monrovia area, as his mother lives in Monrovia. He had gone to his grandparent's home in Arcadia, where he stole his grandfather's truck. His grandfather reported the truck stolen with Arcadia Police Department. Officers located the subject and detained him. They confirmed he had taken the truck without permission. He stated voices in his head told him to take the truck. The subject was taken to a hospital and held for mental evaluation. The truck was recovered and returned to the grandparents.
What's Voting All About?
City Hits at Property Tax Repeal Measure
City vs. Property Tax Repeal
Aztec Stories Tonight
Mountain Lion Alert
The City of Monrovia reports that "a mountain lion has been sighted during the evening hours in the mountainous area from Gold Hills to Norumbega Avenue. California Fish and Game has been advised and is monitoring the situation. Residents in the area are encouraged to be alert to their surroundings and use appropriate precautions with their children and pets."
- Brad Haugaard
Birthday Party at the Library
New Stop Signs
SHOP in Monrovia Showcase
Presents SHOP in Monrovia Showcase
On Friday, October 8, 2010 in the 700 block of Myrtle Ave., at the Friday Night Family Festival 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.
The SHOP in Monrovia Program, a partnership between the City of Monrovia, Old Town Merchants and the Monrovia Chamber premiered at the Neighborhood Conference in April, since that time, the program has kept up momentum encouraging locals to do their shopping in Monrovia to keep the tax dollars local to support local services.
The next step for the SHOP in Monrovia Program is taking to the street to showcase the many fantastic businesses and services available right here in town. Learn more about the program at www.SHOPinMonrovia.com or on facebook www.facebook.com/SHOPinMonrovia and sign up to receive email updates and specials by clicking on "Join my list" at the top of the page.
The entire community is invited to attend.
On Friday, October 8, 2010 in the 700 block of Myrtle Ave., at the Friday Night Family Festival 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.
- From Karin Crehan, Monrovia Chamber of Commerce
Senior Volunteer Dies
Sustainability Fair Pix
- Brad Haugaard
End Monrovia Property Tax?
Mars Scientists To Monrovia
Monrovia Finalist in Community Policing Competition
Monrovia's Amazing Continuation High School
Continuation high schools don't send their graduates to four-year colleges. Just doesn't happen.
Except that it does - big time - in Monrovia, and maybe only in Monrovia.
Flint Fertig, principal of Monrovia's Canyon Oaks High School (a continuation school, though Fertig prefers calling it "alternative" because of the negative associations of "continuation"), said he was at a Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) meeting and heard someone say that he had heard from someone that there was a continuation student somewhere who had been accepted at a four-year school, but then again... he wasn't sure.
So, apparently the percentage of contiunation high school students who go to four-year colleges is essentially zero, except for Monrovia's program, which this year has had an astonishing 32 percent of its 2009-10 grads (27 students total) accepted to four-year schools.
Thirty two percent!?
Yup. Fertig said that for forty years Monrovia's continuation program matched the lousy record of other continuation schools in sending zero grads to four-year schools. None in 40 years! Then, for the 2007-08 school year, one student went to Cal State LA and in 2008-09 two students went to four-year schools, and now, in 2009-10, 27 students were accepted at four-year schools.
Incredible for a continuation school! How does it compare - on average - to regular high schools?
Fertig said, "I don't think anywhere near 32 percent of regular high school students go on to four year schools."
His students have been accepted to such schools as UC Irvine, Cal State LA, and Cal Poly Pomona. "They're not," Fertig admitted, "going to Stanford or Harvard ... yet."
And in case you were wondering, the Monrovia continuation program does not have some unusual set of students. The demographics are like those of any other continuation school. Single parent homes, or zero-parent homes, students in trouble at school and with the law (Fertig guesstimates maybe 60 percent are on probation.) And some of them, administrator/teacher John Russell adds, are from "horrific backgrounds."
Okay, so what I really want to know is: How do you bottle this?
So, with that in mind, let me highlight some principles that seemed to emerge as I listended to Fertig and Russell talk about their school.
Accreditation and State Standards
Fertig said his first goal on joining the Monrovia School District in 2007 (from West Covina High) was to get the district's continuation program accredited by WASC, and to do that meant aligning the school's curriculum with state requirements.
So, I ask, You mean continuation schools are generally NOT accredited and their curriculums are generally NOT aligned with state requirements?
Fertig and Russell said they frequently are not.
Russell said that in aligning with the state requirements the teaching staff "stripped out the minutia" and focused on the core elements of each state requirement and so impressed the accreditation team that the school got a three-year initial accreditation instead of the standard one-year initial accreditation.
Accreditation, by the way, means coursework counts for colleges. If you take a math class from an accredited school then the college agrees that you have really taken the math class. Also, students from accredited schools can get financial aid, which is a pretty big deal.
A Good Environment
Fertig and Russell describe a school environment that is loving (I get the feeling that staff almost consider themselves surrogate parents) and strict. And this seems to have instilled a sense of school pride among the students.
Fertig - who looks like he could handle himself if push came, literally, to shove - tells of starting his job by facing off tough guys and checking students as they arrived at school to make sure they were dressed according to the school's code. If not, he called a parent to pick up the student or bring a change of clothes. "We have a dress code and rules, and we're very, very strict. The kids hated me for a while," he said, "but hugged me on the graduation podium."
"The kids are so proud of this school," he said. "It's spotless! And these were taggers! In other schools," he said, reaching around to a computer keyboard in the library, "the keys have been pulled out of the keyboards. But here they sense that the teachers care about them."
I had to agree. The library was beautiful and the grounds were in good repair and untagged. The janitor there has it easy.
Fertig said it is a safe place for students who have had it rough. "We almost never have fights," he said. "We've had two fights in four years."
The students, he said, even took it upon themselves - and without the knowledge of the staff - to have a "Nerd Day," in which the whole school dressed up as nerds. Fertig said that in a regular high school you might have 10 percent participation, but here, he said, virtually the whole school participated.
Superstar Teachers
Key to the school's success are the teachers, and both Fertig and Russell call them "superstars."
They try to be a bit delicate about it, but clearly neither Fertig or Russell (who was about to quit when Fertig arrived) were thrilled about the situation when Fertig first came to the school.
"A good principal," Fertig said, "can change the teachers, who in turn can change the test scores."
He said it takes a unique person to teach at Canyon Oaks, and you "help the others find something else." Some teachers, he said, decided that "this is not the place for me to work."
Since he had built a following at Covina High School, he brought some teachers from there as openings occurred. He said it is rare for a tenured teacher to leave, so when they do, "you have to replace them with superstars."
And by "superstars," they mean teachers who have taught AP and honors students. Russell adds that they should be flexible. And Fertig says, "I look for passion."
Fertig is flexible himself. Russell said Fertig steps in and teaches, taking the most difficult students off the hands of the teaching staff, actually making the students open their books and do work. He's not babysitting.
Persistence also seems to be important. Russell said that "some kids are hard to reach for a long time, but if you keep working with them then something eventurally flips."
But how do you attract superstar teachers - who could presumably be teaching in La Canada or San Marino to advanced students - to a continuation school in Monrovia?
"There is always some hesitance," Fertig said. "They need to know the school is well run, safe, and has the resources. We've created that environment. The best and brightest want to be here."
Data-Driven Innovation
Another key to success is using data to modify teaching techniques.
Russell said the teachers examine the test scores to see what they have done that works and what they have done that didn't work, then adjust their teaching.
And, because the same technique may not work with each student, they can select the best technique for different students.
For example, if a student is disruptive, maybe he will be assigned to do his work alone at a computer. And because Fertig is in charge of all the district's alternative programs, he is well positioned to find a program or technique that fits the student.
Other Factors
Another big factor for success is money. Much of it - in these days of limited educational budgets - comes from grants. And, of course, support from the district office is critical. Fertig said the district has been very supportive of their "crazy" efforts.
So, with all its success, you'd think the educational establishment would be beating a path to Canyon Oaks' door to find out how to emulate its success, and, well, Fertig says maybe the establishment would beat a path to the door if its success was better known. "Education would be turned on its ear if they walked in here," he said.
I walk away sort of wishing I'd gone to Canyon Oaks High School, even though as a kid I didn't get in much trouble ... although there was that incident of the - oh, never mind. Anyway, if you know students who might benefit from it, Fertig says the school can even accept students from other districts.
- Brad Haugaard
Shoo Big Kitty! ... and Other Police Activities
Residential BurglarySeptember 17 at 1:39 p.m., an officer went to a residence in the 400 block of Park Rose regarding a burglary. The victim told the officer he had filing boxes with old checks, receipts and documents from an old business that no longer exits. The boxes were kept near his front door, which is kept open a lot. Someone apparently entered the residence and took the boxes. Nothing else was taken.
Residential BurglarySeptember 17 at 3:10 p.m., a resident in the 500 block of West Foothill reported she had just returned home from work and someone had broken into her home. An officer responded and cleared the location. Entry was made through a side door. Some jewelry and old checks were taken, but the victim was unsure if anything else was taken. Investigation continuing.
Commercial Burglary - Suspects ArrestedSeptember 17 at 3:51 p.m., officers responded to a business in the 500 block of West Huntington regarding a male and a female in custody for shoplifting. The officer determined the subjects had committed burglary; both were arrested and taken into custody.
Driving Under the Influence - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 18 at 1:08 a.m., an officer noticed a vehicle traveling south on Myrtle that was following another vehicle too closely. He noticed the driver was also swerving on the roadway. He stopped the driver and during the investigation, determined the driver was under the influence. The driver was arrested.
Domestic Violence / Battery on a Peace OfficerSeptember 19 at 2:28 a.m., officers were dispatched to the 00 block of Hidden Valley regarding a domestic violence incident in progress. When they arrived, the husband was attempting to restrain his wife, who was intoxicated and violent. As an officer entered the location, he was pushed by the wife. The officers were able to restrain the wife and she was taken into custody without further incident. The husband was bleeding and had sustained visible injuries. He did not desire medical treatment. The wife was not injured.
Recovered Stolen Vehicle - Suspects ArrestedSeptember 19 at 7:20 p.m., an officer on patrol located a stolen vehicle in the area of California, near Duarte. He followed the vehicle into a parking lot in Duarte. Additional Monrovia officers were requested to assist in a high-risk traffic stop. Two suspects were arrested and later interviewed. After investigation, the female driver was charged with grand theft auto and receiving stolen property. The male passenger was released, pending further investigation.
Mountain Lion SightingSeptember 20 at 10:20 p.m., police received the report of a mountain lion sighted in a backyard in the 700 block of Oakglade. Officers were able to direct it back into the hills.
Airport Plaque
- Brad Haugaard
Three Non-Fiction Books for Three Dollars
You can get three hardback or trade-paperback non-fiction books for $3 at the Friends of the Monrovia Public Library bookstore through September 25 (i.e. Saturday). To get to the bookstore, walk in first set of doors at Monrovia Public Library. It is immediately on the left.
- Brad HaugaardLutz is Citizen of the Year
Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz will be honored by the Luck Baldwin District Boy Scouts as "2010 Citizen of the Year."
http://tinyurl.com/25c6dow- Brad Haugaard
City Beat News
City Beat, a joint City, KGEM and Chamber of Commerce video production, is now airing on cable stations 3 (Time Warner) and 6 (Champion). This month's topics:
* The Sustainability Expo, featuring an interview with Heather Maloney of the City's Environmental Services Staff
* The Formative Years Program with Police Lt. Jaime Alfaro
* Business Development, featuring the newest corporate residents on Huntington Drive - Living Spaces, Henry's Market and Kohl's Department Store.
- Brad Haugaard
Where in Monrovia?
Another one of my Monrovia paintings. The location of this one shouldn't be hard to guess.
- Brad Haugaard
Students Designing Super Fuel-Efficient Car
Did Argument Lead to Fatal Crash?
Monrovian Rises Above Polio
City Manager: Sacramento Fiddles While Rome Burns
Is LA Times Investigating Monrovia, Other Cities?
Cops at Friday Night Activities
In-N-Out Burger Approved for Home Depot Parking Lot
Do It Yourself Monrovia Tour
Monrovia Reads Spaghetti Western Dinner
Pix of Monvoria's First Game on New Field
A Couple Items on Sept 22 School Board Meeting
Here is the agenda for the School Board meeting, to be held Wednesday, Sept. 22, 7:30 p.m. in the Board Room.
And this is a summary of agreements for the year 2009-2010 between California School Employees Association (CSEA) and the Monrovia Unified School District. Board will vote on whether to approve this.
And this is a summary of agreements for the year 2009-2010 between Monrovia Teachers Association (MTA) and the district. Board will vote on whether to approve this.
Interesting that this item says the district intends "to continue pursuing an alternative revenue compensation model (such as revenue sharing model)." Hmm.
- Brad Haugaard
MHS Colors and First Game on New Field

- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Woman Killed in Car Accident
Volvo flipped over on 210, struck guard rail.
http://www.insidesocal.com/sgvcrime/2010/09/monrovia-woman-dies-in-solo-ca.htmlUPDATE: Star-News now says "San Gabriel woman," so I guess not from Monrovia. Report says CHP officer quoted a witness as saying victim was hurrying home after drinking in a bar in order to get some sleep before attending a DUI class.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Schools Face "Formidable" Budget Cut Decisions
- Brad Haugaard
Car Chase Through Foothill Cities
History of Monrovia Airport
Chris Shevlin to Receive Humanitarian Award
Monrovia Police Report - Sept. 9-15
Residential BurglarySeptember 10 at 11:23 a.m., officers were dispatched to a residential burglary in the 800 block of Bonita. The suspects entered the apartment through an opening near a window air conditioner. Once inside, the suspects ransacked the apartment and then left through a window. Investigation continuing.
VandalismSeptember 11 at 1:45 p.m., the window of a white commercial Isuzu truck was broken out near Peck and Altern. A similar incident occurred involving a neighbor's vehicle recently where the damage appeared to be caused by a BB gun. Investigation continuing.
Driving Under the Influence - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 11 at 11:04 p.m., an officer on patrol in the area of Duarte and Myrtle noticed a vehicle pull over to the side of the road. The rear passenger opened the door and began to vomit. The officer stopped to investigate and noticed the passenger had been drinking. During the investigation, the driver was determined to be under the influence, also, and was arrested.
Driving Under the Influence - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 12 at 1:52 a.m., an officer was driving south on Myrtle and noticed a vehicle in front of him almost strike the curb. The officer stopped the vehicle and spoke with the driver. During the investigation, the officer determined the driver was under the influence. He was arrested and taken into custody.
Petty Theft - Suspects ArrestedSeptember 12 at 1:50 p.m., loss prevention from a business in the 500 block of West Huntington called and reported subjects shoplifting in the store. Officers responded and detained the subjects as they exited through the doors. Loss prevention officers placed two of the subjects under private person's arrest for petty theft. They were taken into custody. One of the suspects was later released on a citation and the other held on an outstanding warrant.
Assault with a Deadly WeaponSeptember 13 at 8:15 a.m., an officer responded to a middle school in the 200 block of East Palm regarding two juveniles involved in a fight. The investigation revealed that the two students had exchanged words on an internet site. The suspect saw a picture of the victim that appeared as though he was displaying a gang sign. The victim denied belonging to a gang, but the suspect sought him out. When the victim left school, the suspect approached the victim and assaulted him. The suspect was located and arrested.
Drunk in Public / Receiving Stolen Property - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 13 at 10:29 p.m., an officer responded to a call of an intoxicated subject on lower Myrtle. Officers located the subject and arrested him for drunk in public. The suspect was in possession of a stolen backpack, which was stolen from an elementary school earlier in the day. The suspect also had a no-bail warrant for his arrest.
Noise Disturbance - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 14 at 12:24 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of West Walnut complained that the occupants of a residence next to them where having a small, but loud, party and were preventing them from sleeping. Officers responded and quieted the group, warning them to keep the noise level down. The neighbor called back a short time later complaining of loud noise again. The officers returned to discover the group was quite loud again. The neighbor chose to make a private person's arrest of the responsible party and he was cited by the officer for violating the city's noise ordinance.
Vehicle Vs. Pedestrian Traffic CollisionSeptember 15 at 7:31 a.m., as a mother and son were walking north across Colorado in the 800 block, the mother was struck by a vehicle traveling eastbound at approximately 25 miles per hour. The driver claimed she did not see the pedestrian because of glare from the sun. The mother was transported to a hospital for treatment. She sustained a two-inch laceration on the back of her head, requiring stitches, and minor bruises and abrasions on both arms and elbows.
Burglary / Warrant - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 15 at 11:17 a.m., an officer responded to a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain regarding a shoplifter in custody. The subject entered the store carrying a book bag and proceeded to place two tools in the bag and exit the store without paying. The suspect admitted he entered the store with the book bag with the intention of taking the tools. He was charged with burglary and he also had an outstanding warrant, which was added to his charges.
SuicideSeptember 15 at 4:16 p.m., officers responded to the 200 block of El Sur regarding a medical assist. On arrival, they found a male subject sitting in a chair on the porch with a gunshot wound to his head. There was a revolver on the ground between his legs. The investigation revealed the subject had been unemployed for two years and was renting a room at the location. A neighbor reported hearing a large boom on Tuesday evening, which he believed was a vehicle backfiring or gunshot, but he did not call police. The death was determined to be suicide, due to a self inflicted gunshot wound.
Possession of MarijuanaSeptember 15 at 10:59 p.m., dispatch received a burglary alarm activation of a business in the 200 block of East Huntington. Officers responded and observed a black Honda Civic with two occupants directly in front of the location. As the officers approached, the vehicle sped away with no lights. The description of the vehicle was broadcast and officers located the car at Myrtle and Duarte. A traffic stop was completed and the female driver was determined to be driving under the influence of alcohol. She was arrested for drunk driving and possession of marijuana in a vehicle. There was no evidence of attempt burglary at the business where the call originated; it was determined to be the cleaning crew that set off the alarm.
Felony Vandalism / Felony Evading / Assault with a Deadly Weapon on a Peace Officer - Suspects ArrestedSeptember 15 at 11:20 p.m., dispatch received a call of a suspicious vehicle with two male and two female occupants in the area of Myrtle and Montana. Officers arrived in the area, but did not locate the vehicle. At 11:51 p.m., an officer spotted the vehicle and followed it. The officer attempted a traffic stop but the driver failed to yield. A pursuit ensued through the cities of Monrovia, Arcadia, Pasadena and Sierra Madre. The Foothill Air Support helicopter responded and observed the suspect turning off all lights and parking on a small street in Arcadia. Officers located the vehicle and confronted the driver and passenger. The female driver attempted to back away from the officers and pinned the vehicle against a tree. She attempted to drive the vehicle toward one of the officers and then rammed into one of the police cars. The suspects were taken into custody. Further investigation revealed the suspects had been tagging graffiti at several locations in the city. Investigation continuing.
Company Makes a Bundle on Monrovia's Green Dot Corp.
Tour New Monrovia High Buildings Friday
- Brad Haugaard
Hidden Monrovia
- Brad Haugaard
High School Football
I received a note from Alex Zucco that the new football field will be dedicated this Friday at 5:30 pm. I will be there and hope to see many Monrovian's there for this celebration. It has been a long time coming and should be worth the wait. The home game will follow the field dedication.
Please come on down and cheer the Wildcats to victory over Arcadia.
Tom Adams
Meth Killer Sentenced to Life ... Twice
Wild Rose School Over 800
Details here: http://www.scpr.org/news/2010/09/14/api-rose-king/
- Brad Haugaard
Focus One Art Gallery
Fiberglass Bears
Be a Monrovia Leader
If you'd like to be a Monrovia leader, the Monrovia Area Partnership's Leadership Academy starts Sept. 16 (this Thursday). It meets from 7-9 p.m. every Thursday for six weeks. Interested? Contact Neighborhood Services, (626) 932-5584
For more info:http://www.ci.monrovia.ca.us/about-monrovia/news-a-information/weekly-report- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia's Got Talent Show
Monrovia Sustainability Fair
A Green fair with a household-item swap will be held at Library Park and Community Center Sept. 25 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Workshops, play area for kids, low-emission auto display. Swap slightly used kids’ toys, books, kitchen gadgets, clothing, electronics, and other items contributed by your neighbor ... and you.
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Monrovia-CA/City-of-Monrovia/330697204437- Brad Haugaard
Job Search Workshop Today
Librarian Jeff Lambert will help with job help skills today at 6 p.m. More here:
http://monrovialiteracy.wordpress.com/2010/09/13/job-search-workshop-tomorrow/- Brad Haugaard
Get Ralph's to Contribute for You
If you shop at Ralph's and have a Ralph's Rewards Card you can contribute to the Foothill Unity Center for free through August 31, 2011. Ralph's will donate 4% of your total purchase cost to help homeless and low income folks. You can go to www.ralphs.com and figure out how to register on-line (use the Center's Non Profit Organization [NPO] number: 82434) , or call Jan Noto on Monday, Wednesday or Friday afternoons at the Unity Center for help. Her number is 626 358-3486.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Solar to Portugal
possible Monrovia 9-11 Memorial
Monrovia is looking into the possibility of acquiring a piece of the Twin Towers that were destroyed on September 11, 2001. 1025 communities have received a piece of the Twin Towers steel from The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Each of these must also be released by a Federal Judge since this is still crime scene evidence.
I have asked for the help of Congressman Dreier and his staff and will report back on our progress.
Tom Adams
Council Member
Ronald McDonald Does Books
If your kids like McDonald's and books, you might take them to see Ronald McDonald's Book Time show at the Library's Community Room on Wednesday, September 22, at 3:30 p.m. Bring a camera.
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Monrovia-CA/City-of-Monrovia/330697204437- Brad Haugaard
Latino History Photos
Santa Anita Family Service
Latino History Photos
Santa Anita Family Service
Got Extra Fruit?
AeroVironment's Electric Car Charger
Neighborhood Watch Report - September 2 - 8
During the last seven day period, the Police Department handled 616 service events, resulting in 120 investigations. Following are the last week's highlighted issues and events:
Commercial Burglary / Forgery - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 2 at 12:12 p.m., a suspect entered a business in the 700 block of East Huntington in possession of fictitious money orders. The money orders were determined to be counterfeit and the suspect was detained. The suspect admitted that he knew the money orders were not real. The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.
Outside Assist / Arcadia Police Department - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 2 at 1:35 p.m., Arcadia Police Department requested assistance for a vehicle that was not yielding at Chestnut and Monterey. A short pursuit ensued that ended in the 100 block of East Central. The suspect collided with another vehicle at Huntington and Ivy in Monrovia, no injuries resulted. Arcadia advised that the suspect was wanted for grand theft auto and evading. After the collision, the suspect exited the vehicle and ran into a nearby house. The occupants all exited, telling officers the suspect was inside. Perimeter containment was set up and numerous attempts to get the suspect to come out did not succeed.
Arcadia Police Department activated their SWAT Team and requested assistance from Pasadena Police Department for more SWAT resources. Residents in the immediate area were relocated to the community center during the incident. Officers on scene advised that a gun had been located in the car the suspect had been driving. Arcadia Police Department deployed their robotic vehicle, and after a short period of time, the suspect surrendered to officers without further incident at approximately 8:00 p.m. He was taken into custody by the Arcadia Police Department.
Strong Arm Robbery - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 2 at 3:31 p.m., a female juvenile subject was walking in the 500 block of West Colorado when she was approached by another female juvenile. The female demanded to know who she was and then quickly grabbed the victims iPod from her hands. The suspect then fled west on Colorado. A Sierra Madre police officer who was patrolling in Monrovia due to the above Arcadia incident, observed the female suspect near Ivy and Colorado. She stopped the suspect and detained her. The suspect was positively identified by the victim. The suspect was arrested and charged, then later released to her parents.
Suspicious Person / Warrant - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 3 at 10:26 a.m., a female caller reported a suspicious person at a park in the 700 block of East Lemon. The male subject was staring at kids at the park and acting strangely. An officer responded and attempted to contact the subject. The subject was uncooperative, used profanity toward the officer, and walked away. The officer called for assistance, as the subject continued to be uncooperative, and he was detained. The subject was determined to have an outstanding warrant. He was arrested and taken into custody. The suspect has a long history of police contact, mental health issues, and drug use.
Medical AssistSeptember 3 at 12:28 p.m., officers were requested for a possible drowning victim at the high school. They arrived and found a young man who could not swim had jumped into the deep end of the pool. He had been helped out and was sitting on the pool deck coughing when officers arrived. Monrovia Fire Department paramedics arrived and took over the medical assist.
DUI CheckpointSeptember 3, from 7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m., officers conducted a driving under the influence checkpoint. 1230 vehicles drove through the checkpoint. 42 were diverted into secondary inspection. Out of the 42 vehicles, 19 drivers were found to be unlicensed, 2 had suspended licenses, 7 citations were written for various violations, 3 misdemeanor arrests were made, and 17 vehicles were stored.
Vehicle BurglarySeptember 4 at 7:56 a.m., an officer was dispatched to the 1800 block of 6th Avenue regarding a vehicle break-in. The victim reported that he parked his vehicle the night before around midnight in front of the location. The windows were down about one inch. At about 7:40 a.m. the next morning, he returned to his vehicle and found it had been ransacked, the stereo and vehicle battery had been stolen. Investigation continuing.
Battery - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 5 at 5:20 p.m., the suspect in this incident was dropping off his child to his ex-girlfriend at a park in the 300 block of South Myrtle. He became involved in an argument with the victim, who is his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend. The suspect hit the victim and a fight ensued. The suspect was detained by several family members until police arrived. He was arrested and taken into custody.
Possession of Marijuana / Possession of Marijuana for Sale - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 5 at 11:19 p.m., an officer stopped a motorist for unsafe speed. When he approached the vehicle, he could smell marijuana coming from inside. The driver admitted to having marijuana in the vehicle. A search of the vehicle resulted in the officer finding marijuana, THC oil, approximately 2000 dollars in cash, and several organizers containing evidence of marijuana sales. The suspect claimed to be unemployed and did not provide a statement. She was arrested, but immediately bonded out of custody. Her money and cell phone were collected for evidence.
Receiving Stolen property - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 6 at 1:35 a.m., officers responded to a residential burglary. Prior to the officers' arrival, the victims confronted their neighbor, who they believed was the suspect. The victims recovered a small glass container from the suspect, which had been stolen from one of the victims. The suspect admitted that his friend went into his neighbor's house and took the glass container, and then hid the container in his room. The suspect was arrested and was later released to his parents.
Commercial Burglary - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 6 at 1:16 a.m., loss prevention officers from a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain called to report a burglary. Two suspects had attempted to use an empty hose cabinet to conceal merchandise. When one of the suspects went to check out in the garden area, he noticed he was being watched and abandoned the property. When the two suspects were confronted by loss prevention, they fled. One of the suspects was located trying to hide behind some plants. He was positively identified by the loss prevention officers. The other suspect is still outstanding. Investigation continuing.
Vehicle BurglarySeptember 8 at 7:43 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a business in the 700 block of East Huntington regarding a suspicious silver vehicle with a broken window and its trunk open. A victim was located and reported his vehicle was broken into, but it did not appear anything had been taken. Investigation continuing.
Burglary - Suspects ArrestedSeptember 8 at 5:06 p.m., a loss prevention officer from a business in the 500 block of West Huntington reported two male subjects stealing merchandise. The loss prevention officer provided a license plate for the suspect vehicle and a description of the suspects. A DMV check of the license plate returned to a residence on Mountain Avenue in Duarte. Officers went to the residence and detained two subjects sitting on the porch of the residence that matched the suspect description. The stolen property was also found on the porch. The suspects were arrested and taken into custody.
9/11 Car Show
Twin Towers Monument in Monrovia?
AeroVironment, Inc. Doing Better
Monrovia's AeroVironment, Inc., reports that it did a bit better the first quarter of this year than it did for the first quarter of last year: losing $0.16 per share for the first quarter of this this year vs. losing $0.17 for the same time last year.
http://www.rttnews.com/Content/BreakingNews.aspx?Node=B1&Id=1413087- Brad Haugaard
On its Facebook page the city says that since next year is Monrovia's 125th birthday, the city is creating Monrovia-opoly, a monopoly type game but dedicated to Monrovia. For $250 you can have your name listed on the game board. Call Kerri Zessau at 626.256.8233 or email her at kzessau@ci.monrovia.ca.us if you are interested.
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Monrovia-CA/City-of-Monrovia/330697204437- Brad Haugaard
Freeway Weeds
- Brad Haugaard
Volunteers Clean Up After State
Boys and Girls Clubs Golf Fundraiser
Try Out for Talent Show
If you are a singer, dancer, comedian "or anyone possessing any unique talent" you may win $500 in the Monrovia Rotary Club's talent contest are welcome to audition.
Next audition is September 18 from 1-3 p.m. at the Santa Anita Family YMCA.More details here: http://monroviasgottalent.com/- Brad Haugaard
Less Expensive Freeway Wall?
I don't begrudge Arcadians their wall, but I remember seeing this wall go up block by tedious block for month after month at a time when the state was almost as bankrupt as it is now. And I remember thinking how expensive it must have been to build it.
And then I remembered seeing what seemed to be a much less expensive solution in Illinois, where they also have freeway walls.
Now you know your state is in deep financial trouble when Illinois starts to look financially responsible, but anyway, as best I could tell, the freeway walls in Illinois were - try to picture this - constructed of pillars like fenceposts, but with vertical slots in the sides.
The slots in each pillar faced the slots in the adjacent pillars, so you could simply slide decorative sheets of concrete into them and ... Bingo! Instant freeway wall. And they looked good! Maybe this is an approach our state could use.
- Brad Haugaard
Latino Heritage Art
STAR School Test Results
Here's Monrovia school data at the State's STARR web page:
Also, here's the full School Board agenda (PDF):
- Brad Haugaard
The 2010-2011 School Year Begins!
Thanks to Brad for asking me to become an occasional contributor to Monrovia Now.
I imagine many of my postings will revolve around our public schools and the different youth activities available in Monrovia – in addition to being on the Monrovia School Board, I am on the PTA board for Clifton Middle School, I am leading a Girl Scout troop for an 11th year and recently became a Boys and Girls Club Board Member. But every once and a while I might throw in a piece on one of my sister’s new books or the latest new watering hole on Myrtle.
Welcome back Monrovia Unified families! Summer came to an end, probably much earlier than anyone hoped, and the school doors opened once again on Monday, August 30th. This was my first year being a School Board member on the first day of school and I was very excited to receive a tour of our campuses from Deputy Superintendent Debby Collins and see how our schools welcome students back.
What Dr. Collins and I found were 10 campuses with students where they needed to be, staff handling everything with grace and campuses that were clean and orderly…and knowing we were starting our tour at Monrovia High School, I was unsure how our MHS Staff and Students would handle another “1st Day” under construction.
Students at the high school were arriving on the softball field to pick up their revised schedules as they had been directed to, staff was out in force to direct students to new classroom locations and the counseling staff worked through problematic or missing schedules. I even saw a couple of parents accompanying their freshman onto the high school campus for the first time. Listening to parents during this first week of school, you know things get missed (“PE in the wrong period”, “I guess she will be taking Mandarin”, “please no zero period”), but I thank the staff for remaining calm, returning calls so promptly and trying to find solutions for parents and students as they have fewer and fewer resources.
The middle schools welcomed new “Teaching Assistant Principals”: Courtney Glass at Clifton and Megan Esquer at Santa Fe. As we have less and less money, we have to look for creative ways to cut staff/administration while ensuring our students are supervised and the staff is supported. Mr. Glass and Ms. Esquer will be teaching two periods a day and being Assistant Principal for the remainder of the school day. As a high school and middle school parent, I miss the “Welcome Back Coffees” that many of the elementary schools host for parents that first day – a port in the storm for new elementary school parents as they hand off their little ones to the “public school”. Oh how I could have used that when I brought my oldest to “MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!” years ago.
The elementary schools seem to pick up like no time has passed…as I walked into the Mayflower Workroom, a place I have spent hours, days...YEARS! – I see familiar faces already making copies for teachers and going over plans for the first fundraiser. Well-oiled machine! The new immersion program at Monroe was my favorite visit and it was great to see how our parents embraced such a great program. Who knows, maybe next we will offer French at one of our other schools?
I am really looking forward to this school year and hope our parents will keep the good work in everything they do for our students in Monrovia.
Go Wildcats!
Alex ZuccoAuto Theft Suspect Arrested
Neighborhood Watch Report 09-02-10
During the last seven day period, the Police Department handled 536 service events, resulting in 96 investigations. Following are the last week's highlighted issues and events:
Firearms Submitted for Safe Keeping / Possible Court Order ViolationAugust 26 at 12:58 p.m., a female subject called and reported her husband had been kicked out of the garage area where he was living in the 400 block of Alta Vista. She reported that there were several firearms there that he was not supposed to have because of a restraining order against him. Officers responded and the firearms were taken for safekeeping. Further action will be determined once all serial numbers have been checked and the court documents researched. Investigation continuing. Vehicle BurglaryAugust 26 at 6:06 p.m., a victim reported their vehicle broken into at a parking structure in the 500 block of South Myrtle. The loss was unknown. Investigation continuing. Weapons Offence - Suspect ArrestedAugust 27 9:32 p.m., an officer responded to a call of a male subject chasing a female in the area of Cherry & Magnolia. The officer located and detained both subjects. The officer questioned both subjects and obtained verbal consent to conduct a pat-down search. On the male subject, he found a loaded large capacity gun magazine and a modified knife blade. The officer obtained a written consent to search the suspect's home in an attempt to locate the gun belonging to the loaded magazine, but the gun was not located. The suspect was arrested for weapons offence. The female subject had not been harmed. Hit and Run Traffic CollisionOn August 28 at 1:30 a.m., an employee of a business in the 100 block of E. Lime parked her vehicle in a public parking lot and went to work. When she returned to her vehicle, she discovered someone crashed into it, causing moderate damage to her rear bumper and driver's side rear corner panel. The suspect vehicle fled without making any attempt to notify the owner. Investigation continuing. Felony Vandalism / Parole Violation / Driving Under the Influence - Suspects ArrestedOn August 28 at 9:04 a.m., officers responded to the report of a male suspect tagging the wall of a business in the 100 block of East Pomona. The witness saw the male suspect enter a light green Jeep Cherokee being driven by a female subject. The tagging was gang related. Officers responded and conducted a thorough area check, but did not locate the suspects or the suspect vehicle. Several vandalisms have occurred recently throughout the city, where gang related tagging with the same type of graffiti has been spray painted. Officers investigating the incidents had gathered enough witness information to learn the license plate number and description of the suspect vehicle, which matched the description in this incident. Later that day at 7:21 p.m., an officer on patrol in the area of California and Central spotted the suspect vehicle used in the felony vandalisms. The officer conducted a traffic stop and contacted the female driver and male passenger. The male passenger had green spray paint on his hands which was consistent with the spray paint used in the vandalisms. The female driver was determined to be driving under the influence. The female suspect admitted to several of the vandalisms, but the male suspect chose not to provide any statements. Both suspects were arrested and charged for felony vandalism. The female was also charged for driving under the influence, and the male was found to be on parole, and a parole hold was obtained. Solo Vehicle Traffic Collision / Power OutageOn August 29 at 3:50 a.m., a motorist fell asleep at the wheel and collided into a power pole in the area of Duarte and Pilgrim. His Toyota Tacoma overturned and he received minor injuries. As a result of the collision, the power went out in the southwest area of the city. Edison was contacted, but it took several hours to restore power. Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance / Possession of a Controlled Substance - Suspects ArrestedOn August 29 at 10:24 p.m., an officer on patrol in the area of Palm and Primrose saw two suspicious male subjects walking. The officer made contact with the subjects and observed symptoms of the subjects being under the influence of drugs. A subsequent investigation resulted in finding both suspects were in possession of methamphetamine. Both suspects were arrested. Commercial Burglary / Conspiracy - Suspects ArrestedOn August 30 at 11:16 a.m., officers responded to a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain. Store security reported three female suspects attempting to steal merchandise. The females were detained exiting the store. One of the females admitted to going to the store to steal merchandise. Surveillance video shows the others suspects selecting items and passing them among themselves. Two of the three females detained had stolen property in their possession. They were charged with burglary and conspiracy.
Driving Under the Influence - Suspect ArrestedSeptember 1 at 9:57 a.m., an employee of a park in the 1200 block of Canyon Blvd reported a male and female in a vehicle drinking beer and throwing the cans out of the window. The vehicle was leaving the park area. An officer located and stopped the vehicle westbound on Hillcrest. The officer determined the male driver was driving under the influence and arrested him.
Possible OverdoseSeptember 1, Monrovia Fire Department requested an officer regarding a possible overdose at an apartment complex in the 700 block of South Myrtle. The subject takes numerous medications for a number of conditions and has been depressed due to a recent breakup. He was transported to a hospital for mental evaluation and treatment.
Monrovia Football Preview
- Brad Haugaard