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Monrovia Will Require Reservations to Visit Canyon Park - Will Open May 26

Reservations will be required to get into Monrovia Canyon Park, and it will not open May 18, but May 26.

The city had earlier said the park would open May 18, but today City Manager Dylan Feik that it will remain closed until Tuesday, May 26.

He writes:
The City of Monrovia is working hard to reopen Canyon Park. However, developing a safe, social distancing protocol is difficult considering the narrow trail widths, excessive visitors and parking challenges. The City will use a web-based reservation system whereby visitors must make an online reservation. The new reservation system helps ensure a limited number of visitors (both residents and non-residents) will have the opportunity to hike Canyon Park without worries of large crowds. We will be sharing more information on this new reservation system shortly. 
- Brad Haugaard

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