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Census This Year; Fire Department Inspecting Churches; Bartlett Mosaic Replaced; Monrovia Is Example of Good Planning

In his latest report ( City Manager Dylan Feik reports:

~  Residents should receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census in mid-March from the US Census Bureau, and the city is anxious that everyone participate. Feik writes, "City staff will be taking a census presentation roadshow to hit all of the upcoming boards and commission meetings, as well as the service club meetings for the month of February to educate and motivate residents to complete the census." For questions contact Ashton Gout, CMC, in the City Clerk's Office at 932-5599.

~ Monrovia Fire & Rescue will be inspecting houses of worship more consistently. Feik writes, "In the past, places of worship were not inspected consistently. Efforts are currently underway to update our system, ensuring every building is inspected annually. These inspections will allow us to identify hazards and provide safety recommendations."

~ The Mayor Bob Bartlett Mosaic at Station Square was damaged recently, but has been restored and reinstalled.

~ Monrovia planners John Mayer, Teresa Santilena, and Austin Arnold, met with Rowland High students, who were in Monrovia to see what good city planning looks like.

- Brad Haugaard

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