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Teacher of Year Honored; Lots of Interest in Music; District Hires Public Information Officer; Clifton PTA Raises $17,000

In his September report, Monrovia Schools Superintendent Ryan Smith writes: 

~ Monrovia Teacher of the Year Kristin Ford was recognized at LA County Office of Education's 40th Annual "Teacher of the Year" banquet. She is pictured above with her husband Troy and Assistant Superintendent Darvin Jackson.

~ Earlier this month the district held its annual Superstars of Music registration and orientation evening for parents and interested elementary school students. More than 500 parents and students from all five elementary schools attended, triple the usual number who attend.

~ Gustavo Olguin has been hired as the district's first Public Information Officer. He will "play an important role in increasing communication to our parents and families, community, and local news outlets about all the great things happening in our schools through press releases, social media, enhancements to websites, and other formats like short video stories, podcasts, etc."

~ Clifton Middle School PTA raised more than $17,000 through its Step It Up event. Funds will go to purchase library books, and to after-school enrichment - including arts programs, incentives to support the school's Positive Behavior Intervention and Support program, and more.

Source: Superintendent's Update:

- Brad Haugaard

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