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Monrovia Today: Oak-tober Coming Up; Box Clock, Coyotes, Car Show, Mystery of the Murals

The latest edition of Monrovia Today is now online:

A few highlights:

The City Council has declared October as Oak-tober to celebrate the city's oak trees, mostly the Coast Live Oak. And just so you know, in most cases substantial pruning or removal of an oak requires an Oak Tree Permit.

There are also articles about how the Box Clock in Old Town has moved, what to do if you see a coyote ("Make the coyote feel uncomfortable"), a car show and derby on Sept. 11, the mystery of how five painted murals by Paul Thevanaz ended up in a garage on Foothill, and lots of activities.

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. "Oak-tober"? This is how serious our brilliant Council is?

    Why should they even meet if it is to consider buffoonery like this?

    These people are unserious, for this and other reasons. Why even would an item like this make it on to their agenda? Monrovia is not a playpen, it is a city.
