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GrowMonrovia Urges Monrovians to Plant Strip Between Sidewalk and Street

Since April is a month for the environment, having both Earth Day (April 22) and Arbor Day  (April 30), the non-profit organization GrowMonrovia is asking residents to consider:

~ Planting the strip between the sidewalk and your street (It's owned by the city but maintained by the property owner). "When properly landscaped and cared for, they provide scenic corridors, habitat for wildlife and curb appeal. They provide space for street trees which provide shade and absorb carbon dioxide. They prevent stormwater and irrigation run-off into the streets, allowing it to percolate down to the groundwater table." Sign up at the GrowMonrovia website to be part of this project and the first 20 people who sign up receive a free starter pack.

~  Purchase a shade tree for your home or park strip. Shade trees "provide habitat for our wildlife, reduce summer temperatures, absorb rainwater and tailpipe emissions, sequester carbon, and decrease energy usage." (For sale on GrowMonrovia's website.)

- Brad Haugaard

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