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Community Development Department to Consider 'Environmental Justice,' Safety and Housing

Monrovia's Community Development Department is launching a comprehensive update to Monrovia's General Plan, examining its Housing Element, Safety Element, and a new element called the Environmental Justice Element.

The Housing Element provides a blueprint for an adequate supply of safe and affordable housing for all economic segments of the community.

The Safety Element identifies and evaluates natural hazards such as wildfires, earthquakes, etc. and outlines goals and programs aimed at reducing losses associated with them.

The new Environmental Justice Element will include strategies to address environmental concerns, such as  air quality, and goals to ensure every resident has access to public facilities, healthy food, safe and sanitary homes, and opportunities for physical activity.

Opportunities for community involvement will be announced.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. And so another fashionable hoax will guide unaccountable city bureaucrats to control other people. You're doing it wrong, Monrovia.

  2. Like Harry I have concerns. Is this a response to the discord being reported in the news? Or, are these problems in Monrovia that need to be resolved? With the city budget, what would have to be cut in order to fund these programs? Are these programs for a period of time, once goals are met, or will they continue indefinitely? What are the goals? How would low income housing affect the property values in Monrovia? How are local businesses being encouraged?
    As a resident in the fire hazard area, what kinds of requirements and codes will be placed on our homes?
    Who is going to be in charge?
    In this time of distrust of government, are people really wanting more government control,or do we want to be able to live free?
