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School District Asks Legislature to Restrict Marketing Vaping to School Age Children

The Monrovia School District has passed a resolution ( asking the California State Legislature to "champion the health of our youth by supporting legislation that restricts marketing of vaping products to school age children."

The resolution cites a study published in the journal, Yale Medicine, citing the dangers of vaping, and concludes: "We respectfully ask you to champion this issue by submitting a bill before Governor Newsom banning the online and retail sales of all flavored e-cigarette and vaping products to school age children, launching an informative campaign telling the truth about these products, and finally, assisting school districts with funding to bring awareness to the youth of California."

Comment: The study published in Yale Medicine ( and another article at the Johns Hopkins Medicine website ( seem to indicate that the main concern with vaping is that many vaping juices contain nicotine, so students are getting hooked on nicotine and may not even know it. The concern is with what is in some vaping juices, not with the vaping device itself. Perhaps legislation should simply prohibit sales of juices laced with nicotine to minors, which would be a logical extension of cigarette laws.

- Brad Haugaard

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