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Monrovia to Present as All-America City Finalist

For the second consecutive year, Monrovia is contending for the All-America City award by the National Civic League, one of 20 communities vying for the honor. Next week, a group of city staff and more than 20 residents will attend the event in Denver. The theme is "Strengthening Democracy through Innovative Action," and the city will highlight the Monrovia Area Partnership Program, the KGEM station which fosters discussion on city issues, and the Third Grade Field Trip program with Monrovia Unified School District to teach young students about democracy. The city will present here on Saturday, June 8, at 3:55 p.m. Mountain Time.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Remember when the city presented last year for this award and the theme was something about supporting youth, but they didn’t show up with any youth at all? Instead they showed up with the typical establishment faces from around the city like Larry Spicer and his cronies. Dumb! Maybe they will be smarter this time.

  2. What does 'innovative action' entail?

  3. When we moved in Monrovia had won All-American City, 1995. I think of All-American City as small town, neighbors who know each other, friendly, safe, patriotic, a town square/Old Town where people enjoy getting together. Simple life. Quality life.. We had that. What happened? What is happening to our beautiful town with the small town feel?
    Like the person asked, innovative action? Just what does that mean?

  4. I think they are implying that they are actually doing something unique and innovative to inspire the community, which in itself is pretty funny.
