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Convert Monroe School May Become Spanish Dual-Immersion; Wild Rose to English Only; Completely New High School Graduation Requirements

At its next meeting (agenda here) the Monrovia Board of Education will ...

~ Consider a proposal to convert Monroe Elementary to a Spanish dual immersion-only school and Wild Rose School of Creative Arts to an English-only arts school beginning in the 2025-2026 school year.

~ Apparently consider replacing traditional high school graduation requirements with alternatives.

The content of this document, labeled "High School Graduation Requirements," has been revised by completely crossing out everything except for a form for veterans and Japanese American citizens to receive a diploma.

Instead, there are two new documents, here and here, that give alternatives to gaining credits for graduation, specifically: a practical demonstration of skills, taking courses offered by regional occupational centers, independent study, work experience, private instruction, college correspondence courses, and military service.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Notice they didn’t actually include what the plan is. I send my kid to Wild Rose because of dual immersion and the arts. Many others do too. Shame on the board for taking this away from our children. Apparently the new superintendent Paulo and the clueless board are pushing this because they want the teachers to be happy with no raise and are setting up Mrs. Ramos and Dr. Gero of all people to take the fall when parents like me protest this. We deserve better.

  2. The feckless board couldn’t make a decision after a year of debating the issue, they kick the can down the road another year. They’ve had several presentations and forums to get feedback but they just can’t make a “difficult” decision. Now they want a committee to study the issue. Now their new superintendent who has no experience at all will have to deal with it. These board members are completely clueless and worthless. We need new people. Zero confidence.
