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Designs to Honor Former Mayor Pat Ostrye As Neighborhood Treasure

At its next meeting (agenda here), the Art in Public Places Committee will consider five designs to honor the next Neighborhood Treasure, former Monrovia Mayor Pat Ostrye, who was selected by the committee last January.

Ostrye was born in Minnesota in 1924. In 1944, she joined the Navy Women and was accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES) and was stationed in San Diego. In 1974, she successfully ran for Monrovia City Council. She was the first woman to serve on the City Council and, in 1978, the first elected woman mayor of the city. During her leadership, she brought Meals-on-Wheels, Dial-a-Ride, home library and a federally funded senior lunch program to the city. In 1980, at the end of her mayoral term she was elected City Clerk and held that position until retiring in 1986. In 1992, she ran unopposed for the part-time position of City Treasurer, thus having served in all four of the City's then elective offices. The amount budgeted for the Neighborhood Treasure is $19,500. One of the designs is shown here, the others are here.

- Brad Haugaard

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