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Elementary Students Back in School - Physically - Starting Today

Letter from Superintendent Dr. Katherine Thorossian welcoming students back to in-person school.

Today, March 29, marked a milestone we have been anxiously awaiting. For the first time in over a year, Monrovia Unified welcomed elementary students back to school for in-person instruction from their teachers.

While I wish we were able to welcome all students back safely, for now, I am simply happy I was able to experience the excitement during drop off  as we began our first in-person instructional day.

I saw kindergarten students seeing their classmates for the first time in person. I saw parents giving that final hug and letting go; and, I saw teachers warmly greeting their students and leading them - for the first time - into their classrooms.

I also saw how much work went into preparing for this day.  Everyone contributed to the realization of this goal.

The Elementary Task Force did foundational work to establish a viable model. Our Technology Department has been working tirelessly to make sure teachers have the right equipment - and that it is set up correctly. Our Instructional Specialists have been working with teachers to ensure instruction and technology merge seamlessly. Our support staff have filled so many gaps - from home calls to class breaks, whatever was needed to make things work. Our Food Services Department continues to forge ahead through every transition. Principals have been reviewing every detail to ensure a smooth operation. Teachers have taken that leap of faith, hoping their skill and their will, more than meet the challenge of today.

Congratulations on a great first day! I look forward to the day when I once again take for granted that our students are in the classroom, together with their teacher and their peers.


Dr. Katherine Thorossian


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