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City Manager on Homicide on Los Angeles Ave. - More Patrols, Cameras

A notice from City Manager Dylan Feik about the new shooting on Los Angeles Avenue. 

Hello Monrovians,

On March 29, the Monrovia Police Department responded to a shooting in the 100 block of Los Angeles Avenue (116 Los Angeles). Upon arrival, officers located one adult male, and a dog, who had been shot. The individual was pronounced deceased by Monrovia Fire & Rescue while residents transported the dog to receive treatment. The suspects had already fled the area in a vehicle. While this incident remains under investigation, it is also the second homicide at this address since January 29, 2021.  As with any homicide investigation in the City, investigations are conducted by the LA County Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau and will remain active and ongoing for some time. I anticipate few, if any, details from the ongoing investigation will be released by the Sheriff’s Department until they are prepared to release that information.
Obviously, criminals committed another tragic and senseless act of violence in our community. A family is grieving the loss of a son, brother, father, and cousin. Neighbors are scared by another night of gunshot sounds while the City of Monrovia is diligently doing everything we can to serve and protect our community. Our Community Policing Bureau is working with neighbors and regularly asking for your help to solve these crimes. Our patrol units are running extra patrol and, as with Monday night, they were immediately on scene once the call came. From the time Police Dispatch received the first call from a resident at 5:24 p.m., patrol units were on scene by 5:27 p.m. Air Support, LA County Sheriff, and police departments from Sierra Madre and Arcadia also arrived to support. More than 35 law enforcement officers were on scene while the City utilized a different team of officers for all other ongoing activities across the City.
The City is increasing patrols in the area of Los Angeles Avenue and neighboring side streets. Investigators have available camera footage from the crime scene and we will be installing additional cameras in the area over public spaces. Many detectives are working tirelessly across the region to address these recent homicides. During the same time period in 2020,  LA County Sheriff’s investigated 25 homicides in LASD jurisdictions and 5 homicides for third party agencies like Monrovia. In 2021, they have 75 homicides (300% increase, or 3x more) in their jurisdiction and 10 homicides for third party agencies, including three in Monrovia. The entire region is definitely on an uptick.
I am confident in LASD and MPD efforts because I see how hard they work and how much they care to bring justice to the victims and those impacted. The men and women of your Monrovia Police Department will always remain committed to serving you.
Should you have any questions, or like to speak w/ myself or Chief Alan Sanvictores, we are always available and here to serve.

Office: (626) 932-5585 | Cell (801) 821-1734

Alan Sanvictores, Chief of Police 

1 comment:

  1. What about changing Monrovia's backward policy of not issuing concealed carry permits? Most states, even most counties in CA, are effectively shall-issue. Why does the City have such distaste for the law-abiding armed citizen?
