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Polling Centers Going Away; Cooling Center Open Longer; Train Station Rehab Receives Reward; Flags Will Soon Be Back

In his weekly report ( City Manager Oliver Chi reports that ...

~ Beginning in 2020, LA County will replace polling places with "Vote Centers," which will let people submit their ballot at any Vote Center in LA County and will be open up to 11 days before the last day to vote. Monrovia will likely have around two Vote Centers, as opposed to the five election polling places it typically has. Also, new voting equipment, which will include a combination of electronic voting mechanisms and a paper ballot.

~ It's still hot, so the cooling center (the Monrovia Community Center at 119  W. Palm Ave.) will be open at 8 a.m. through August 5.

~ The California Preservation Foundation has selected the rehabilitation of Monrovia's historic Santa Fe Depot to receive a 2018 Preservation Design Award in the Rehabilitation category.

~ The flag poles at City Hall are not displaying flags because of some broken fixtures. Chi writes: "The City has ordered the replacement parts necessary and the repair work should be completed within the next week or two."

- Brad Haugaard

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