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City Still Needs to Buy Water! Monrovia in 'Solid Financial Position'

At its next meeting (agenda here) the Monrovia City Council will ...

~ Believe it or not, consider buying water. Despite heavy rains, Monrovia only has the right to pump a certain amount of water, and city staff predicts the city will use more than its allocation, so it is proposing temporarily leasing the right to acquire 200 acre-feet of water production rights from Azusa Valley Water Company and buying 489.43 acre-feet of replenishment water from the Main San Gabriel Basin Watermaster. The staff report says, "The City has a history of needing more water production than our by-right allocation, even in the years with heavy rains and reduced consumption." Details

~ Receive a budget update. Summary: "The City is still in a solid financial position as we enter the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2022-23. Given that cost increases for rising inflation were incorporated into the original budget, most expenditures are tracking to budget at this time. Additionally, conservative revenues are tracking closely to estimates, and overall finances continue to move in a positive direction." Details

Photo by Daniel Sinoca on Unsplash

- Brad Haugaard

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