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After Two Years Refurbishing, Pipe Organ at St. Luke's to Play Again

After a two-year refurbishing, Lucille, the three-manual, 42-rank pipe organ at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, will be played at the final Evensong of the choir season on Sunday, May 15 at 4 p.m. The church is at California and Foothill and admission is free.

"During the painstaking restoration, the instrument's thousands of pipes were removed and individually cleaned," says Music Director Kent Bennett Jones. "With the pipes out of the way, the entire interior of the church was replastered and repainted. Now everything is back in place, and Lucille is sounding more amazing than ever amid the church's spectacular acoustics."

The performance will include music by Ralph Vaughan Williams and Charles Villiers Stanford. It will feature William Boyce's anthem, "I Have Surely Built Thee an House," with soloists Marina Harris, Alex Miller and Victor Mazzone.  St. Luke’s Music Director, Kent Bennett Jones, will lead the ensemble.

An offering will be taken. Guests are invited to a wine and cheese reception in Guild Hall following the performance.

- Brad Haugaard

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