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School Board Member Travanti Says Voting Districts Implemented, But She Doesn’t Like Them

In a post on, School Board Member Maritza Travanti wrote that despite a tight schedule the new school voting districts, the "Maroon 2" option shown here, have been implemented, but clearly she's not happy about it. She wrote:

Throughout this process, not one community member has approached me and said, “Yeah, this is a good idea” or “I want this for our town.”  In fact, it’s been the opposite. Across all demographics, across all political affiliations, no one thinks it’s a good idea when an attorney who knows nothing about our community can demand that we go from at-large voting to 1 vote per every four years. Board Vice President Hammond said it best, “Your vote is now reverted to 20% instead of having 3 votes one election cycle and 2 votes the next election, thus allowing you to have a say for the entire board.” CVRA legislation allows an attorney to legally extort a school district of $30K and wreck havoc on a community. 

The Monrovia community has worked hard to break down barriers and boundaries but is now forced to create new boundaries and division. I stand by our diverse representation! 

- Brad Haugaard 


  1. Maritza Biden has turned out to be the dumbest member of the board. Even dumber than Grimmace Lockerbie, and that’s really saying something. Travanti voted along with Pawn Shop Rob to make this switch back in 2020, did so again in 2024, and she voted to approve every map every step of the way. That’s how upset she is about it all. I bet Pawn Shop Rob told her to post this too. Phony!

    1. Okay Anonymous Trump, Quick better go rush a donation to help Ole Donnie fight :election "fraud" and then decorate your vehicle with MAGA Cult flags.

    2. Didn’t dispute anything this person actually said…..

    3. Biden has nothing to do with CVRA (California Voter Rights Act). You can blame CA legislators who allow an attorney to profit from their legislation.

    4. Ha ha! Travanti was for it before she was against it! lol

  2. She was part of the “Spicer for Mayor” crowd. Tells you all you need to know about her.

    1. The Mayor talk too much, she thinks she has all the answers and l’m sorry I voted for her. Remember the words chatter box well that’s our Mayor :(

  3. Settle down folks, please. It’s just a school board.

  4. Ok, but the Mayor needs duck tape :(
