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Monrovia School Board Will Consider Two Administrative Job Descriptions; Budget; Local Control Funding; Etc.

At its next meeting (agenda here) the Monrovia Board of Education will ...

~ Consider approving a job description for Executive Director of Educational Services (details)  and Executive Director of Adult Education (details

~ Hold a public hearing on the 2024-25 proposed budget. See budget here.

~ Hold a public hearing on the district's Local Control Funding Formula, which shows school funding sources and "gives school districts more flexibility in deciding how to use state funds." Formula here

~ Consider approving a tentative agreement with the Monrovia Teachers Association (details) and the California School Employees Association (details).

 ~ Consider offering a course in Mandarin 3 Chinese. Details

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Of course Brad missed that the board buried under “Professional Service Agreements” that the district is bringing in 3 high priced consultants at $200 and hour and MORE to run HR and business since everyone in those departments has been run out by the board. What a waste of money! That’s more than they pay their new superintendent. More than POTUS for that matter. Zero accountability for wasting our money. They aren’t even giving the teachers a real raise - just a one time bonus. SHAME ON THEM.

    1. I assume you are talking about these three items: HR Executive Consulting
      Dr. Michael Lin

      Department Consultant

      Business/Fiscal Consultant
      Greg Magnuson

      Rather obscure:

  2. So corrupt. That’s Pawn Shop Rob and Maritza Biden for you though.

  3. They are all corrupt. shame on all of them! MUSD does not care about our families and children.
