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City Facilities Reopening; Free Gun Locks; City Commission Positions Open; Racism Meeting; Landlord Benefits

In his latest report ( City Manager Dylan Feik reports: 

~ City facilities will reopen on Monday, May 10. Covid rules still apply. 

~ Monrovia Kiwanis Club has partnered with the Monrovia Police to provide free gun safety locks. For more information call the Monrovia Police at 256-8000.

~ More spots have been added for the free compost and mulch event at the Public Works Yard (600 S. Mountain) on Saturday, May 22, 8 a.m. to noon. For a reservation (required) contact Jamie Bumia at 932-5579 or

~ Residents can apply for positions on the Planning Commission, Historic Preservation Commission and Community Services Commission. Also, Old Town business owners may apply for positions on the Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board. Applications due by Monday, May 10.  Interviews in the weeks following. Terms begin on July 1.

~ Monrovia ChangeMakers will host a Zoom meeting on Racism Against Asian Americans: Past & Present on Wednesday, May 19, at 6 p.m. Meeting ID: 868-5112 5241, passcode: 488265.

~ Monrovia landlords may benefit from the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments' new Landlord Incentives Program, which provides rent checks each month to landlords who lease to tenants receiving rental assistance to leave homelessness. The program can also help mediate problems. Details:

- Brad Haugaard

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