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Love Life Celebration at Second Baptist Church on June 10

SET for LIFE is inviting the community to its Love LIFE Celebration on Saturday June 10, from 2-7 p.m. at Second Baptist Church in Monrovia (925 S. Shamrock). Activities include a roller-skating rink, 9-hole miniature golf, kids and teens fun zones, DDs Catfish, Caribbean Gourmet, Philly Gourmet Ice, Hot Links, Red Velvet Cake and other Sweets and Treats, along with a dominoes, bid whist and hula hoop contests, Live performances from the LA Chargers and Kings Drumline, Original Soul Train Dancers, The Jazz Zone, Jazz Band, and the DJ will be spinning Motown hits, and mental health resource booths. Everything is free.  

“The Love LIFE Celebration is our final event to bring awareness to the stigma around mental health in our communities for National Mental Health Awareness month.” said Autumn Holmes, President of SET for LIFE. “Families need a safe space where they can get together, eat great food, listen to music, have fun, and just unwind from all the stressors.”

The Love LIFE Celebration is sponsored by the California Mental Health Service Authority, and the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health and part of the Take Action for Mental Health Initiative taking place throughout the County through June 20th. Ample parking available. Everyone is welcome! Registration is suggested - here

- Brad Haugaard

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