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Old Phone Company Building on Lime May Become Self-Storage Facility

At its next meeting ( the Monrovia City Council will consider a proposal that will let the old phone company building on the north side of Lime just east of Myrtle to be converted into  a self-storage facility with storefronts on the ground floor.

The proposal, which requires general plan and zoning changes - among other things - has already been unanimously approved by the Development Review Committee and Planning Commission.

Although the space could be used as an office building, city staff argues that "could potentially cause severe parking and traffic congestion impacts due to the building's extremely high occupancy capacity and very little onsite parking," while a self-storage facility would be "a low impact use, with an extremely low parking demand."

The owner proposes to "enclose the exterior staircases on the north elevation as well as add a new elevator to allow customers easier access to the storage units for their bulkier items."

- Brad Haugaard

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