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School District May Have to Cut Budget If Finances Don't Improve; Elementary Schools Identify Areas to Improve

At its next meeting (agenda here ) the Monrovia Board of Education will consider ...

 ~ A resolution saying that if the district's finances don't improve, that the school board will cut $3.82 million from its budget for fiscal year 2025-26, and $6.2 million for 2026-27.  Details

~ Approving changes to the district's School Plan for Student Achievement for  elementary schools - Bradoaks, Mayflower, Monroe, and Plymouth - which have identified areas in which they need improvement:

Bradoaks: Chronic absenteeism, suspensions, and English language learners performing lower in English and math.

Mayflower: High suspension rate; lower performance in English by English language learners, Hispanic students, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, and students with disabilities; lower math performance for socioeconomically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities.

Monroe: High absenteeism, low performance in math and English.

Plymouth: Chronic absenteeism, low math and English performance, low student engagement and connectedness to the school.


- Brad Haugaard


  1. Not sure why more parents aren’t in support of charter schools or vouchers.

  2. Even many Republicans in Texas were against vouchers:

  3. Problems in Arizona too

  4. One is an op Ed piece and Texas article is because it impacts rural areas .

    Any thoughts on charter schools? Seems like Pasadena has a lot of options but nothing in Monrovia area except for arts school in Duarte

  5. High absenteeism in all schools is unacceptable. Get rid of the overload at the district office and get a truancy officer!! School Resource Officer need to visit these homes...Split the work between the truancy officer and SRO along with a computer, and almost forgot hold parents accountable and you will have higher attendance. Finally stop settling out of court with special ed parents and do the right thing in the beginning by giving the kids the right support. That's enough for now :)
