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Road to White Saddle Now Cleared

City Manager Dylan Feik (left) with friend at White Saddle, looking back toward Monrovia and Arcadia.
Panoramic view of White Saddle. Road on right goes to Monrovia. Road on left to Azusa Canyon. Behind to the left is the road to Rincon Road.
A clear road you could ride barefoot.

 The road to White Saddle is clear. City Manager Dylan Feik rode his bike up to White Saddle this morning. He writes:

"Greetings from White Saddle this morning. The trail is as smooth as it’s ever been…you could ride bikes barefoot if you like…this trail is so nice!!!!"

The story as I heard it is that the Forest Service gave the city a call and asked if they could bring their equipment out through Canyon Park. Surprise! They'd been working their way down the road from White Saddle.

Opinion: This came as quite a shock to me (delightful, but a shock) as just under three months ago I was allowed to scout the road, and it was a disaster, including, I wrote (here), "a gap in the road maybe 30 or 40 feet deep into which you could easily fall and die." I figured it would be very expensive to fix. And now it's done! Thank you, Forest Service!

Although the road is not yet open to the public, I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be opened very soon.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. I can’t wait to get up there. I have been Waiting a very long time just like the rest of us. I was on it when it was destroyed. I can hardly wait.

  2. I hope they’ll consider re-opening at least the fire road before the rest of MCP at the end of the year. There are lots of areas and connections to trails apart from the waterfall or ranger station, so it’s a shame that it’s all been rendered inaccessible while unrelated infrastructure is completed.

  3. This is great news! The best kind as it was completely unexpected. I can’t wait to resume my routine that for a long time seemed would never happen again. Thank you USFS!
