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Starbucks-Chick-fil-A Project Will Set Aside Area for Park; Monrovia Using Less Water Per Person

Starbucks and Chick-fil-A project. The green block (Parcel 3) will be set apart for parkland.

At its next meeting (agenda: the Monrovia City Council will consider ...

~ Approving various enabling measures to allow for the construction of a Starbucks and Chick-fil-A project at the 2.09-acre Huntington Drive site occupied by the Claimjumper restaurant. The project will set aside 8,600 square feet on the south side of the project, next to Alta Street, to be turned over to the city for a park sometime in the future.

~ Adopting an Urban Water Management Plan, as required by the state. The staff report indicates that Monrovia is actually using less water per person than before - 154 gallons of water per person per day compared to its historically determined baseline of 195 gallons per person per day. Also, the report says staff has "determined that the City can meet water demands during normal, single dry, and five-consecutive dry year periods over the next 25 years."

- Brad Haugaard

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