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Chicken Finger Restaurant Planned for Zen Buffet Site

 A new fast food restaurant called Raising Cane's is planned for the northeast corner of Huntington and Fifth Avenue, at the site currently occupied by Zen Buffet. Raising Cane's serves one thing - chicken fingers.

The proposed project consists of a 3,100 square foot restaurant with 16 tables (50 seats), outdoor dining, and dual lane drive-thru service will be considered by the Monrovia Planning Commission at its July 14 meeting.

The Louisiana-based company's website says, "Our concept is simple and unique… we only have ONE LOVE – quality chicken finger meals!"

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Of course. Anywhere a Chickfila goes a Canes soon follows. Boy the businesses in that center are going to be affected and that lot & Huntington traffic are going to be a nightmare. How sad this is and really nothing to do about it. Now just think if In-n-Out decides to build where Black Angus is....Hold the phone. Sigh.

    1. In and out please..The Canes food is meh very little choices.

    2. Folks around here do not eat chicken fingers. This will have zero impact on traffic.

    3. they don’t only have chicken fingers, they have chicken sandwiches too and I think it will be good because the only one close to hear is Azusa.

    4. Good stay out of canes

  2. I've been to my local Canes once. That says it all. Keep the buffet!

  3. Dont put that shit on the corner

  4. That location is too big for serving one thing (child's food) why not where the old Applebee's vacant bldg instead

  5. Chicken fingers? Really? I wish I was as simple and easily impressed as someone who can go to a chicken finger or chicken wing restaurant and be happy.

  6. Replies
    1. there’s an in-n-out not even 10mins from this location.

  7. Look at these old BOOMERS crying about a good restaurant haha get over it people!

  8. I'll. have to give the canes in Baldwin Park a spin before I make a decision. In and out burger draws heavy traffic as well. I've actually never had chicken fil le either. I don't really lean toward fast food places.
    I would love a golden corral and a cracker barrel!!!!!

  9. It’s going to be a hit fellow Monrovians here WE love raising canes!!!

  10. Woooo hooooo we are so happy!!!!! No cry babies here!!!!

  11. Raising canes is pretty good. But so many fast food places popping up in Monrovia… I don’t know how I feel about that

  12. Cannot wait for all these new spots to be added very exciting!

  13. so excited. thank god!

  14. I’m in this area often and I noticed a “coming soon” sign for Cane’s a few weeks BEFORE the sign for Chic-fil-a across the street…. Of course this doesn’t confirm that Cane’s came first but it looks to me like Chic-fil-a following behind to stomp out their competition. Just my humble opinion.

    Being just off the freeway, this is a smart location for both restaurants and traffic will be affected but I would rather have fast food joints that do one thing and do it well (chicken) versus these sit down places that serve everything and it’s all garbage.
