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Monrovia Preps for Possible Mudflow on Ridgeside and Oakglade

In expectation of heavy rain - up to two inches - and the possibility of "moderate to heavy flooding and mud or sediment deposition on Ridgeside Drive and Oakglade Drive" because of the Bobcat Fire,  here's how Monrovia is preparing:

  • Monrovia Fire & Rescue has prepared an extra engine company to be on-call tonight, in coordination with an additional engine from Arcadia Fire Department.
  • Monrovia Police Department will provide extra patrols throughout the evening to monitor the hillside areas.
  • Public Works has prepared for tractors and dump trucks to respond as needed.
  • LA County Flood Control and Public Works has pre-deployed heavy equipment.
  • Gravel/sand and sandbags are available for residents at Recreation Park (620 S Shamrock) in the parking lot off of East Olive Avenue, near the skate park and Barney Glen Baseball Field. Residents must provide their own shovels, gloves and eye protection. Take only what you need.

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. I am surprised, grateful and so so humbled by this article. Many thanks to you Bran and the Monrovia Now News for your encouragement and interest. Again thanks Veronica
