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School Board to Consider 'Wellness' Position and $54 Million Budget

 At its next meeting (agenda: the Monrovia Board of Education will consider ...

~ Creating a new Wellness Center Specialist position for the district. This person would provide "leadership in mental health intervention to students in order to promote emotional health, student success, and retention," and "a full range of socio-emotional prevention, intervention, counseling and agency linkage to resources at the comprehensive high school and within the district."

~ A proposed 2021-22 budget of $55.1 million. The budget projection also shows continuing declining enrollment of 5,144 students in 2021-22, 5,064 in 2022-23, and 4,989 in 2023-24.

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. The "wellness" position has a job description that is very "woke" and success/failure of the person hired would be impossible to measure in an objective way. It sounds like someone wants to hire a leftist community organizer at taxpayer expense, and that students cannot be well without the wonderful influence of such a voice, without the inculcation of leftist ideas of virtue and thinking. "1984" was a warning, not a how-to manual...or so some think.

    I propose the bright little mind that conceived of this need be fired and the money used to retire City debt. And the recommendation to be ignored.
