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Covered Drinking Fountain at Library Park Considered for Historic Status; Monrovia Today Online; Invitation to Artists; And More ...

 In his latest report ( City Manager Dylan Feik reports: 

~ The historic covered drinking fountain at the  southeast corner of Library Park, the Farmers Club Fountain (built and donated to the City by the Farmers Club in 1909) is being considered for historic landmark status under the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance.

~ The summer edition of Monrovia Today is now online, here:

~ Artists are invited to submit proposals for the Almera Romney Neighborhood Treasure by July 1, 2021. Over her 17 years at Huntington School Romney fought local officials to give students equal rights and transformed segregated Huntington Elementary from a under-resourced and physically unsafe school to a place where students received an excellent education. For questions contact Kerri Zessau at 932-5564 or

~  After 22 years of service, Foothill Unity Center Executive Director, Betty McWilliams, is retiring. She led the center during the expansion of the Food and Health Services Departments, the creation of the Workforce Development Department, and the purchase of - and relocation to - its 28,000-square-foot Monrovia center. She plans to remain involved at the center.

~ The City Council has proclaimed June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Month.

~  Joseph Callahan, who volunteers at the Library, has donated all proceeds of his book, "1972: My War Story," to the Veterans Resource Center at the library. The book, released this March, highlights his service as a Navy Diver during the Vietnam era.

- Brad Haugaard

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