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Citrus College Selects Greg Schulz As New Superintendent/President

Greg Schulz, Ed.D., has been selected to serve as the eighth superintendent/president of Citrus College, which serves Monrovia. His appointment was made official during the June 15, 2021, meeting of the Citrus Community College District Board of Trustees.

With more than 21 years of leadership experience in the California community colleges system, Dr. Schulz is known for being an enthusiastic and student-centered administrator. He has served as the president of Fullerton College since 2016. Prior to that, he held the same position on an interim basis for 10 months.

Dr. Schulz has also served in a variety of other educational leadership roles, including provost of North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE); dean of trades and industrial technologies at Long Beach City College; dean of instruction and student services of NOCE; interim director of fiscal affairs at North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD); manager of administrative services at NOCE; and adjunct associate professor at California State University, Fullerton.

Dr. Schulz earned his associate degree in business administration from Fullerton College; his bachelor's degree in business administration/accounting from California State University, Fullerton; his master's degree in public administration from California State University, Long Beach; and his doctorate degree in educational leadership from the University of Southern California. He has also participated in a variety of leadership opportunities, including the Wheelhouse Institute on Leadership at the University of California, Davis; the American Association of Community Colleges Presidents Academy Summer Institute; and the Community College League of California Vineyard Symposium. In 2020, he received the Educational Leadership Award from A2MEND (African American Male Education Network and Development) for supporting the organization and championing the work of equity and inclusion for African American men at Fullerton College.

"We are excited to welcome Dr. Schulz to the college community. His extensive knowledge and experience are a great match for Citrus College," said Dr. Patricia A. Rasmussen, president of the Citrus Community College District Board of Trustees. "After a nationwide search and input from every college constituent group, my fellow board members and I are confident that Dr. Schulz is the ideal person to continue Citrus College's rich history of student success, leading the institution into the future."

Due to the significance of the position, the recruitment and selection process for Citrus College's next superintendent/president was very thorough. A full-service educational consulting firm helped outline candidate requirements, set a timeline and facilitated the selection process. The process resulted in a diverse group of candidates and included virtual public forums, as well as two rounds of interviews, before Dr. Schulz was appointed to the role.

As superintendent/president, Dr. Schulz will be responsible for providing leadership and advocacy; serving as the educational leader; maintaining community, legislative and college relations; overseeing planning processes; and ensuring the fiscal integrity of the institution. As the chief executive officer of the district, he will supervise all college operations and report to the board of trustees.

"I would like to thank the Citrus Community College District Board of Trustees for placing their confidence and trust in me to lead as the next superintendent/president of Citrus College," said Dr. Schulz. "Citrus College has earned an outstanding reputation for being one of the premier colleges in California, and I look forward to working closely with students, faculty, staff, administrators and the community during this exciting time."

Dr. Geraldine M. Perri, Citrus College's current superintendent/president, will retire on June 30, 2021. Dr. Schulz will begin his tenure on July 1, 2021.

Source: Citrus College press release

- Brad Haugaard

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