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Lujan Named Canyon Oaks Principal; Ross Monrovia Community Adult School Assistant Principal

Left, Fil Lujan; right Tedese Ross.

The Monrovia School District reports that Fil Lujan has been named as the new principal of Canyon Oaks High School and Mountain Park School, and Tedese Ross has been named as the new assistant principal at Monrovia Community Adult School.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. You pros will be the best team ever !!! Very excited for you both !
    Thank you for all you have already done for our students of Monrovia.

    1. Gross. Fil Lujan is a jackass.

    2. I would be very curious about Lujan because as of this last month he became the director of the MUSD village program.

  2. My neighbor works at TCHS so I know that Lujan was suddenly reassigned from his job as TCHS principal (aka fired) because he was terrible, but he gets welcomed back here anyway because Hammond, Travanti, and Fertig are his bffs. I don’t know about the other guy but probably the same thing. Typical Monrovia good ol’ boys crap continues. Too bad. This is why my kids go to cs arts.

  3. What an embarrassment for Monrovia. Lujan is a disaster and doesn't belong anywhere near a school.
