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Cleaning Canyon Park Will Cost $1.17 Million Extra; Candidates for City Treasurer; Money to Install Neighborhood Treasure; Women's Equality Day

At its next meeting (agenda: the Monrovia City Council will consider ...

~ Authorizing an additional $1.17 million - and a contingency amount of $80,000 - to finish cleaning out Canyon Park. The staff report says Pokrajac Corporation has completed 80 percent of what was initially agreed to, and spent $1.29 million of the contract budget of $1.62 million. But there was more debris than expected. The additional money would go to:

  • Remove debris from culverts, stream beds, and hillsides which are sitting above public park areas and present an immediate health and safety hazard to downstream activities. The estimate for this item alone is approximately $800,000.
  • Remove rocks, debris and fallen trees near the trailhead and ranger station.
  • During rain in May and June 2022, existing debris flowed downstream and settled in areas previously cleared. Remove existing debris and erosion to prevent further downstream damage.
  • Relocate boulders that can be used as natural erosion controls at key locations throughout the park.

Possible funding from FEMA, State of California, insurance, state or federal grants, and private contributions. Details:

~  Consider four people as possible replacements for City Treasurer Steve Baker, who died during the election season. The four are:

  • John Watson
  • Janet Wall
  • Edward Belden
  • Brian Yamaguchi

Their applications are here:

~ Authorizing $15,500 to install a Neighborhood Treasure landmark honoring Josephine Anderson, who founded the Foothill Unity Center in 1980 in a borrowed church closet in Monrovia to provide food to hungry families.

~  Proclaiming August 2 as Women's Equality Day.

- Brad Haugaard

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