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Monrovia Scout Troop Honors Four New Eagle Scouts

 New Eagle Scouts. Left to Right: Tyler Ford, Scott Reynolds, Luca Ammon and Nicholas Milazzo.

Four scouts from Monrovia Boy Scout Troop 66 have earned Eagle rank:  Tyler Ford, Nicholas Milazzo, Luca Ammon and Scott Reynolds. Scoutmaster Mark D. Peters reports the ceremony was held aboard the SS Lane Victory, a museum ship in the San Pedro harbor that served as a cargo ship during World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam. The scouts were presented their Eagle medals by their parents and each mom pinned the medal on her son's chest.

Also, the troop recognized new Tenderfoot scouts, Micah Beltran, Charles Gerringer, and William Wysock Jr.; and scouts advancing to First Class, James Rangel Vierra and Maxwell Rily.

For a complete report:

- Brad Haugaard

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