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Superintendent Katherine Thorossian to Retire At End of This School Year

The letter announcing the retirement of Monrovia Schools Superintendent Dr. Katherine Thorossian.

Dear Monrovia Friends and Families,

It is with mixed emotions that share my decision to retire at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Eight years ago. you welcomed me into this District. and I have been grateful ever since. Between the celebrations and sorrows I take great pride in the many opportunities we created together for our students.

I have been an educator for almost four decades. In that time, regardless of position, have been blessed to be surrounded by exceptional individuals who work fiercely and creatively to make a positive difference in the lives ot the students they teach. Nowhere is this more true than in Monrovia.

Designing and developing innovative programs, sustaining and improving current initiatives, and dreaming about the possibilities require support. Support serves as the cornerstone of this community. We support one another, despite our differences, in order to provide the very best for our students.

The environment in any organization starts at the top. We are fortunate to have a supportive Board of Education, steadfast in its commitment to our students. This is as true today as it was on my flrst day of work, eight years ago. While the individuals on the dais may have changed, their purpose and passion remain constant.

The administrative team and district office staff with whom spend most of my time, inspire me daily with their dedication, innovation. and warmth. They are not afraid to swing for the fences and, as a result, we have been able to do big things.

On campuses, in and out of classrooms, is where I have found the greatest sources of joy. Whether it's watching a lesson or watching the landscape design of the head custodian come to fruition, I have been moved by your excellence. I Will miss working alongside so many ot you and wish you only the best.

And, of course, our success depends upon the support of parents who not only entrust us, but partner with us, to ensure that their children succeed both academically and personally. It is one of the many miracles in education that we witness together: watching our preschcrolers mature into insightful and responsible leaders in their own right. Indeed, as reminisce upon my experiences, my fondest moments revolve around the students who imprinted upon my heart.

The Board ot Education will shortly embark on the process of selecting a new superintendent. Until then, I look forward to continuing our essential work and ensuring a smooth transition. Thank you for eight years of happy memories and many lasting friendships. My life has been enriched by the privilege to serve as your superintendent.


Dr. Katherine Thorossian

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