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Gold Line Track Laying Should be Complete Later this Month

The Foothill Gold Line from Pasadena to Azusa is on schedule to complete laying all 28 miles of light rail track needed for the 11.5-mile project. There will be a Track Completion Ceremony Oct. 18 to commemorate this achievement. Source: Gold Line Construction Authority press release

- Brad Haugaard


  1. The construction company may be finished laying the tracks; however, the catenary (overhead wires) has yet to be completed. From what I've seen (and know about light rail), there's a whole lot left to do. In some areas, the catenary support poles haven't been installed, let alone wired.

  2. Brad,
    I don't understand the math. Why are they laying 28 miles for an 11.5 mile project? What am I missing? Thanks.

  3. Good question. The press release didn't say, but I thought about that when I posted it and my guess is that there is track going both directions, so that's 23 miles, then there is the maintenance yard with lots of track (next to Home Depot) and probably there is some siding track in spots as well. So that's my best guess.

  4. The dual "main line" would be 11.5 miles each (23 miles total) and an additional 5 miles for the maintenance facility. I doubt if there'll be any side tracks; but, there are crossovers. That's where an eastbound train can use the westbound tracks or vice versa. There is a train storage track at the Sierra Madre station; but, it's long enough to store two 3-car trains. (The Gold Line normally runs 2-car trains.)
