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Mountain Lion in Hills Above Monrovia

Photo of mountain lion near Camp Trask, above Monrovia.

Boy Scout dad, Mark D. Peters, writes about encountering a mountain lion near the Scouts' Camp Trask, in the hills right above Monrovia:

While Troop 551 went out for a hike and to work on their Leave No Trace award, they had a pair of eyes watching them, and when hiking back to camp, they came across large drag marks that crossed the road.

Over the edge 551 Troop leaders could see a freshly killed doe. Cub Master Terry Lopez alerted the Camp Master and Scout Master Bill Durini, Webelos Den Leader Erick Bonilla and Asst. Cub Master Mark Peters gathered up the Troop in a tight group and hiked back to camp.

Later I was able to get the shot and show it to the kids as not many of them have ever seen a mountain lion in the wild.

Cub Master Terry Lopez added that, "Unfortunately we had to stay in camp after discovering the Mountain Lion attack, no Saturday night hike, but we saw several fox around our camp...kept us occupied."
Cub Scout Degas Peters, Mark Peter's son.

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