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Monrovia Plastic Bag Ban Finalized

The Monrovia City Council tonight approved the second reading of the plastic grocery carry-out bag ban, which means the ban will go into effect on January 1, 2015.

Councilmembers Larry Spicer and Alexander Blackburn did not make the same mistake of missing the council meeting. Last time there was a second reading on the ban, they failed to show up and the bag ban was reversed. Blackburn then reintroduce the ban and it was approved tonight. Councilmembers Tom Adams and Becky Shevlin again voted against the ban.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Next time I vote, it will definitely be for Council members Tom Adams and Becky Shevlin. I really believe this is something that the citizens of Monrovia should have been able to vote on, not just the City Council.

  2. Gah, I didn't realize they'd actually done this.
    I will remember when I vote.
