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Monrovians Save the Day for What Might Have Been a Very Lonely Birthday Party

What would happen if your son invited his classmates to his seventh birthday at Recreation Park and nobody came. Well, in Monrovia something wonderful happened when a mom wrote on Facebook:

"I'm at my sons 7th bday party at the recreational park, passed out invites and only invited his classmates from school 26 invites and rented out a game truck... Not one kid showed up. This really sucks"

Carmen Martinez describes what happened next:

"In no time at all Monrovians responded and a community came together. Many people showed up with kids of similar age to the birthday boy, and even the fire truck came to save the day!"

Here's a video report from abc7:

- Brad Haugaard


  1. this just proves what a GREAT community of caring folks we have!

  2. So happy for Julio! Cheers to all of you who helped make his day awesome! :)

  3. His classmates and/or their parents are awful people to do that to a 7 year old.
