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Monrovia School Superintendent's Husband Dies; Parry on Planning; Serving Sierra Madre; Bike Plan; Giggle Interuption

A few items from City Manager Oliver Chi's weekly report (full report: ) ...

- Monrovia School District Superintendent Kathy Thorossian’s husband, Rafik Thorossian, passed away suddenly on the evening of June 9.

- Robert Parry, who ran unsuccessfully for City Council, is being appointed to the Planning Commission.

- On June 1, the Monrovia Fire Department began providing Battalion Chief response services for the City of Sierra Madre. Sierra Madre will pay Monrovia for the service.

- City staff met with representatives of Move Monrovia to discuss the  steps to develop a bike master plan for the city.

- Because of the Station Square project, Giggle Fiber needs to relocate one of its main lines. The work is scheduled for the late night / early morning of Tuesday, June 16 and Thursday, June 18.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Robert Parry? We have a guy who stated that property rights trump wilderness access and preservation rights on the preservation committee?

    1. Makes you wonder; and worry

    2. Actually, I said almost exactly the opposite. Go watch the video of the Council debate. I very clearly said that the taxpayers have a right to access the Wilderness. I very clearly said that Monrovia's historic character and ambiance are vital. And, I specifically said that what one person does to his property impacts everyone else's enjoyment of their property. I am a strong advocate of preservation (though I've never heard of "preservation rights.") and consider it vital to our identity and local economy. But, I am also not willing to violate people's rights or the law to accomplish it.

      Both of these matters can be effectively addressed with collaboration and cooperation.

    3. Actually, I said almost exactly the opposite. Go watch the video of the Council debate. I very clearly said that the taxpayers have a right to access the Wilderness. I very clearly said that Monrovia's historic character and ambiance are vital. And, I specifically said that what one person does to his property impacts everyone else's enjoyment of their property. I am a strong advocate of preservation (though I've never heard of "preservation rights.") and consider it vital to our identity and local economy. But, I am also not willing to violate people's rights or the law to accomplish it.

      Both of these matters can be effectively addressed with collaboration and cooperation.


  3. He must have something on someone

  4. So sorry to hear of Dr Thorossian's loss :( Our prayers are with her and her family.

  5. To the person who is making charges of illegalities. If there is some evidence you want to present, I'll consider it, otherwise I will delete such posts.
