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Monrovia Council: The Plastic Bag Ban Returns; No Thank You Letter to Chu

At its Tuesday, June 3, 7:30 p.m. meeting (agenda: ) the Monrovia City Council will ...

~ Consider a proposal by Council member Alexander Blackburn to reintroduce a proposed ban on plastic grocery carry-out bags that was initially adopted, then rejected at the last council meeting. See item RCC-4: .

~ Review letters to Congresswoman Judy Chu (I'm not sure why multiple letters) asking that Monrovia be removed from the proposed San Gabriel Mountains National Recreation Area. See proposed letters here, , and here:

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. Enough with the plastic bag ban, The people of this city have spoken and no one wants this ordinance is place why do we continue to beat this same dead horse over and over again? Why is Mary Ann Lutz and Councilmembers Blackburn and Spicer so Anti Business? Is it there dream to see Old Town 100pct vacant?
