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Monrovia School Board Lectures State; Suggests 'Revisiting' Prop 13

At its Feb. 27, 7 p.m. meeting (agenda: ), the Monrovia School Board will consider sending a message ( ) to the California state government:

- Stop cutting school budgets.
- Protect school funding for the future. "[R]evisit Proposition 13 and the property tax arena."
- Make sure there are no big gaps between students who get lots of money and others who don't get enough.
- Pay for the stuff you make the school districts do.
- Pay the money you owe to the districts on time.
- Make sure districts know how much money they will get before they have to decide on staffing.
- Give districts a reprieve on testing scores while they are transitioning from the old tests to the new ones.

Opinion: Fat chance, but I would love to see taxing authority returned to local school districts rather than having the districts dependent on whims of the state. I like decisions to be local, and when the state takes over financial control, the local school districts become increasingly like puppets whose strings are jerked in Sacramento and Washington D.C.

- Brad Haugaard

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