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Monrovia Assemblymember Introduces Bill To Keep Mentally Disordered Offenders in State Custody

Assemblymember Chris Holden (who represents Monrovia) has introduced AB 1065 - supported by Los Angeles County - that would require an inmate who has been classified as a Mentally Disordered Offender, or Mentally Disordered Sexual Offender and served time for a crime where he or she was required to undergo treatment in a state mental facility, to remain under state supervision.

Under the state's prison realignment law that went into effect in October 2011, more than 12,000 parolees have been put on probation in LA County rather than state parole. To qualify, their last offense must have been non-violent, non-sexual, non-serious. But the law only applies to that last offense, not their entire criminal history.

"The state system is better equipped to handle these offenders than the counties which are being asked to take up the difficult task of supervising very dangerous offenders," Holden said.

Source: Holden press release

- Brad Haugaard

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