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Monrovia Council May Impose Settlement on Firefighters, Will Hear Report on Gold Line Improvements, Chat With Lawyers

At its December 18 meeting (agenda: ), the Monrovia City Council will...

~ Consider imposing its "last, best and final offer" on the city firefighters since the union voted the offer down and the city and union are now at an "impasse." Implementing this would include "the suspension of merit salary adjustments and the Longevity/Performance Bonus Program. In addition, members will pay 6% (2/3) of the employee cost (9%) of the Public Employees' Retirement Benefit." This would save the city $208,000 a year, but there would be increases of about $34,000, which I gather means the savings would be about $174,000. Source:

~ Hear a report on planned public improvements for the Station Square Transit Village. (That's the area around the planned Monrovia Gold Line station.) Here's the report:

~ Meet in closed session to discuss three lawsuits and one property negotiation, all of which appear to be connected with the Gold Line development.

- Brad Haugaard

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