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Monrovia Flat Rat | Teacher Jeopardy | Chamber Awards | Healthy Kids | Senator Responds to Brown

~ You may have missed part of the painted bear ("Bearlovian Paradise") in the Youth Services section of the Library. The usually-invisible underside of Bearlovian's foot features a flat rat. Second item down at the link:
~ First Annual Teacher Jeopardy this Friday in the Monrovia High auditorium from 6-8 p.m. $3 a ticket at the door or you can buy in the ASB student store. Sponsored by Sophomore Student Class Council. (I assume this is open to the public. Let me know if not. - Brad)
~ At its annual awards dinner, the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce will honor its award winners: 
- The Iris Award, Karen Sutherland
- The Monroe Award, Rudy Castrellon of Rudy's Mexican Food
- The Dick Lord Award, Gloria Huss of Monrovia Floral
The Jan. 27 dinner is open to the public, but sign up by Jan. 23. Details:
~ The YMCA is sponsoring a "Healthy Kids and Family" speaker series, with a topic each month from February through October. Details: 
~ State Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, said Governor Jerry Brown's proposal "to raise taxes ... will strangle our recovering economy." He said Republicans think "the focus should be to streamline government and help create new jobs."
- Brad Haugaard

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