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Monrovia Opening Cooling Centers for Heat Alert Weekend

The Los Angeles County Health Officer has declared a Heat Alert as high temperatures have been forecast for the East San Gabriel Valley on Thursday, September 5 through Sunday, September 8.

Precautions should be taken, especially by individuals who participate in outdoor activities, older adults, caretakers of infants and children, and those sensitive to heat. Everyone should remember to take special care of themselves, children, the elderly, and pets. When temperatures are high, prolonged sun exposure may cause dehydration, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.

Cooling Centers are available:
Monrovia Community Center
119 W Palm Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016
Friday, September 6, 8:00am - 8:00pm
Saturday, September 7, 12:00pm - 12:30am
Sunday, September 8, 9:30am - 8:00pm

Additional tips for those who must work or exercise outdoors:
- Drink water or electrolyte-replacing sports drinks often; do not wait until you are thirsty
- Ensure that cool drinking water is available
- Avoid drinking sweetened drinks, caffeine, and alcohol
- Avoid drinking extremely cold water as this is more likely to cause cramps
- Allow athletes or outdoor workers to take frequent rests
- Pay attention to signs of dehydration which include dizziness, fatigue, faintness, headaches, muscle cramps, and increased thirst.  Individuals with these symptoms should be moved to a cooler, shaded place and given water or sports drinks. More severe signs of heat-related illness may include diminished judgment, disorientation, pale and clammy skin, a rapid and weak pulse, and/or fast and shallow breathing.
- Coaches, teachers, and employers should seek immediate medical attention for those exhibiting signs of heat-related illness.

Source: Monrovia press release

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