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Portantino Says: I Told You So - Education is at Risk | Duarte City Council to Promote Monrovia

~ In a press release, Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, writes that: "Today’s numbers from the well-respected Legislative Analyst’s Office confirm what I feared all along: education funding is at risk.  Back in June, the budget was hastily adopted without vetting the impact on our students and schools.  I thought then and feel the same way now, that it was more important to get the budget right than fast.  Unfortunately, fast was the order of the day and I voted 'no'. I am hopeful that future projections are better but I am quite concerned that the risks facing our schools are too great to take without comprehensive public review."

UPDATE: From the other side of the aisle, State Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, said the budget shortfall "doesn’t come as a surprise to Senate Republicans." He said "Democrats are already seeking to sidestep the 'trigger reductions' they voted for and calling for new tax increases instead."

~ The Duarte City Council will soon be wearing Monrovia t-shirts for a lunch or dinner engagement. (Our neighboring city council lost a friendly wager with the Monrovia City Council.)

- Brad Haugaard

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