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School Goal: Schools at or above 900 API by 2015

At its Wednesday, October 15 meeting, the Monrovia School board will consider a vision statement, five-year goals, building and modernization progress at Monrovia High, and various other stuff. If you want to attend, the public session starts at 7:30 p.m. Full agenda here (PDF):
Here is the Mission Statement:
By working actively and cooperatively, as students, staff, parents, and community, the Monrovia Unified School District is committed to devoting its energy, resources, and support to provide:
- Academically rigorous educational programs which foster the maximum development of each student's potential.
- A challenging, supportive, safe, orderly, and positive learning environment.
- Quality staff
- Quality service

And here are the 2015 Goals (I'm summarizing a bit):
1. All eligible schools become California Distinguished Schools and National Blue Ribbon Schools.
2. All schools get to 900 or higher on the state API score. [800, by the way, is the score that makes Sacramento happy, so this is shooting nicely higher.]
3. 75 percent of high school grads satisfy A-G requirements for admission to UC and CSU; opportunities for students to participate in advanced coursework increase 100 percent; 100 percent of grads will be prepared to "enter college, advanced training, or a career."
Here's a link to the full mission statement/goals document (PDF):
- Brad Haugaard

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