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Community Services Director Explains Why Empty Shelves at Library

Community Services Director Tina Cherry explains why the Library has empty shelves:

"Yes, we have some empty shelves right now. These are due to several processes happening at once. We are currently weeding the collection of damaged, out of date, and inaccurate materials which has freed up some shelf space. This has allowed us to shift the various collections to create a more user-friendly experience.

"For example, we have moved the Adult Spanish collection to the front shelves next to fiction so it’s easier to find, moved the Large Print collection so the books are shelved on waist-level and higher shelves that don’t require squatting to find books, and moved the entire Adult nonfiction collection forward so it can fit on one side of the Adult Services Area.

"We have about 95,000 books so as you can imagine, shifting and moving collections takes time. We do have signs posted on some of the empty shelves explaining that collections are being moved. We’re hoping that by making collections easier to find, our circulation will continue to grow."

- Brad Haugaard

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