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Square Root of Ote?

What IS the square root of "ote?" Hmm. Oh, wait a minute. I get it. Amen!

- Brad Haugaard

Football: Wildcats 40, Temple City 0 :-)

On a role!

- Brad Haugaard

Grant from State Library

Monrovia Literacy Services will receive a grant from the State Library, which will put it at 97 percent of its fundraising goal.

Free Advice: When the check arrives, cash it quick.


- Brad Haugaard

Union Rep Urges Teachers to Vote

A representative of the California Teachers Association stopped by Monrovia to urge Monrovia teachers to vote for Brown and for Prop. 25.

- Brad Haugaard

RIP Halloween Store

The thriving RIP Halloween Store in Monrovia adds a bit - briefly - to the city's tax base.

- Brad Haugaard

Football: Wildcats vs. Temple City Preview

For the upcoming Monrovia vs. Temple City game being held at Maranatha, Star-News writer picks ... Monrovia!

- Brad Haugaard

Murder of Daughter Changes Mom's Direction

Mother of murdered Monrovia girl Sammantha Salas tells her story:

- Brad Haugaard

Tuesday's City Council Meeting

Doesn't look like a very whiz-bang City Council meeting coming up this Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 7:30 p.m.

- The council will vote on whether to adopt various standard building codes.
- There will be a report on the city's anti-gang efforts. Stats and stuff.
- The city will give notice that there will be a general municipal election on April 12, 2011 and decide whether to contract with "Martin & Chapman Company for Election Consulting Services in an Amount Not to Exceed $38,000." The seats currently held by Mayor Mary Ann Lutz, Mayor Pro Tem Tom Adams, and Councilmember Becky Shevlin will be on the ballot.

The Agenda:

- Brad Haugaard

Transit Village

A report on the proposed Station Square Transit Village near the proposed train station near the proposed Metro line near Duarte Road in Monrovia. Seems as if it is coming together:

- Brad Haugaard

Pet Food Bank

You can help Foothill Unity Center stock its Pet Food Bank and hear from experts on grooming, petsitting, rescue, pet food and more at a free Healthy Pet Day and Foodraiser Saturday, November 6, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Highlander Pet Center, 419 W. Foothill in Monrovia. Leashed and well-mannered dogs welcome. Canned or bagged pet food donations accepted.


- Brad Haugaard

Police Activity - October 21-27

[From the Monrovia Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for October 21-27. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven day period, the Police Department handled 564 service events, resulting in 111 investigations. Following are the last week's highlighted issues and events:

Grand Theft Auto
October 21 at 8:24 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a residence in the 800 block of West Duarte regarding the theft of a vehicle. The victim reported that his wife had parked and secured their vehicle on the street in the evening. He returned to the vehicle in the morning and it was gone. There was no broken glass on the street where the vehicle had been parked and they accounted for all of the keys to the vehicle. The vehicle is a red, 1993 Honda Accord.

Vehicle Burglary
October 21 at 11:04 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 300 block of West Foothill regarding a vehicle break-in. The victim told the officer someone had broken into her vehicle through a window and stole her purse. Investigation continuing.

Residential Burglary
October 21 at 5:17 p.m., an officer went to a residence in the 500 block of King Street regarding the report of a residential burglary. The victim reported that she secured her home and left at 6:45 a.m. and then returned a little after 5:00 p.m. When she entered the house, she saw a window was broken and her laptop, cell phone and other miscellaneous items were missing. Investigation continuing.

Outside Assist / Parole Violation - Suspect Arrested
October 22 at 8:13 a.m., officers responded to a residence in the 900 block of West Olive to assist a California parole agent with the check of a residence. The parole agent was checking up on a parolee and observed an empty high-capacity rifle magazine and thought there might be a weapon at the location. A weapon was not found; however, the parolee was found to be in possession of marijuana. He was arrested and taken into custody.

Possession of Burglary Tools - Suspect Arrested
October 22 at 4:36 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the 300 block of East Palm to a possible vehicle burglary in progress. When the officer arrived, he detained a suspicious person in the alley. The officer discovered the subject was in possession of a window punch, flash light and bolt cutters that had a sling modification attached, which allowed the bolt cutters to be concealed beneath clothing. An area check was conducted, but no evidence of a vehicle burglary was found. The suspect was arrested for possession of burglary tools.

Grand Theft
October 23 at 6:20 a.m., an officer responded on the report of a stolen bicycle in the 100 block of West Lemon. The victim reported that he left his $1500 road bike near the front door of his apartment. He last saw the bike at 11:30 p.m. the night before and discovered it missing in the morning. The bicycle was unsecured.

Grand Theft - Suspect Arrested
October 23 at 9:51 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain regarding a grand theft. The suspect, a female employee of the business, was ringing up fraudulent sales transactions and issuing fraudulent store credit for the value of the merchandise under the name of a another former female employee. The corporate office discovered the suspicious transactions and alerted the Monrovia location of the business. The female employee was arrested.

Vandalisms to Vehicles
On October 23, several vehicle vandalisms were reported. They occurred in the 500 block of South Myrtle, the 500 block of El Norte, the 800 block of West Duarte and the 1800 block of Tenth Avenue. The vandalism involved windows being scratched and silver spray paint being applied to windows. The vehicle vandalisms appear to be random and do not appear to be gang related.

Mental Evaluation
October 27 at 12:02 a.m., officers responded to a location in the 800 block of East Foothill regarding a distraught female. She called a friend, who responded to her residence, then called police. The female suffers from depression. She was taken to a hospital and placed on a 72-hour hold for mental evaluation.

Straight-Edge Cloud

I've never seen a cloud like this. Straight-edged for miles on one side and feathered on the other. I snapped this around 7 a.m. today looking east from the Monrovia Pavilions parking lot.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovian in Truck Race

Todd Cameron driving "super truck" in destruction race.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Library Mural

The mural originally hung in the Monrovia Post Office.

- Brad Haugaard

Volunteers Needed for Thanksgiving

Foothill Unity Center is looking for volunteers to help pack Thanksgiving boxes for people in need. (And with the lousy economy, there's a lot more of them.)


- Brad Haugaard

Metro Maintenance Yard

It looks like maybe Monrovia will get a maintenance yard for the Metro Gold Line extension.


- Brad Haugaard

To See on Halloween

I nominate 180 N Melrose as the scarriest house per square foot. Also, see the spooky castle at 908 Hillcrest. And, don't miss the houses on Alta Vista just a few doors up from Hillcrest. In the past they've had fog and strobes and spooky music. Any other great places I'm missing?

- Brad Haugaard

School Board Agenda

School Board meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the district HQ. On the agenda:
- Revised budget for 2010-11.
- A bunch of change orders on construcion at Monrovia High.
- October enrollment report. (Down a bit, but not as bad as expected.)
- Hiring a go-between to oversee MHS construction.
- And a bunch more stuff.
Full agenda here:
- Brad Haugaard

Sprinklers Off

With the recent rains, California American Water, which serves Monrovia and other local cities, is urging residents to conserve water by turning off sprinklers for at least seven days after the rains.

- Brad Haugaard

Volleyball: La Canada 3, Wildcats 1 :-(

- Brad Haugaard

AeroVironment Gets Big Order

Monrovia's AeroVironment has received a $7.2 million contract to delivery its new digital Puma All Environment unmanned aircraft systems and training services to the U.S. Special Operations Command.
- Brad Haugaard

Urban Coyote

A photo of a coyote on Hillcrest. Not so very unusual in Monrovia these days ...
- Brad Haugaard

School Superintendent Interview

An interview with Monrovia Schools Superintendent Linda Wagner.

- Brad Haugaard

Scrip for Friends of Library

You can support the Friends of the Library by purchasing scrip. Merchants give part of your purchase price to the Friends.

Details here:

- Brad Haugaard

City Salaries

Nice article about Monrovia city salaries:
- Brad Haugaard

Smoking Still Permitted in Parks

In his weekly report, City Manager Scott Ochoa said that although city staff had proposed banning smoking from all parks, because of discussion during the last City Council meeting, staff "will drop the smoking ban in urban parks from the proposed ordinance unless and until Council expressly directs otherwise."
He said there are two sides to this philosophical argument, which are:

"'Tobacco is legal, adults have the right to use it or not, and a park is a public place.' The counter argument usually revolves around the notion that 'Your freedoms end where mine begin, and vice-versa; second-hand smoke can cause cancer; the park is open to non-smokers and smokers alike.'"


- Brad Haugaard

Hope for Monrovia Economy

In his weekly report, City Manager Scott Ochoa is relieved to report that ...

"[T]here is reason to be mildly optimistic. We have characterized FY 2010-11 as a 'recovery year' - although we defined 'recovery' as simply no more negative growth. I am pleased and relieved to report that the last two quarters' receipts - which help as indicators for the following four quarters - indicate that our sales tax revenues have bottomed out and we are seeing slight growth.

"With all eyes on the 4th quarter of 2010 (holiday shopping) as an important test of consumer confidence, I can tell you that our auto dealers are doing better than they were a year ago, and that Kohl's and Living Spaces are providing the bump that we anticipated. Some of our business sectors are still weak, but similar tax generators in different markets are reporting that they are returning to normal; thus, we are hopeful to have the same experience."


- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Company Tests High-Altitude Robo-Plane

Global Observer, an unmanned, hydrogen-powered military aircraft designed to operate at stratospheric levels and developed by Monrovia's AeroVironment, has successfully completed initial flight tests at Edwards Air Force Base.


- Brad Haugaard

Monrovian Running From California To New Jersey

Wow! Fifty six-year-old Monrovian John Radich is running from California to New Jersey. He appears to be in Fort Wayne, Indiana, at the moment.

Secret Art

Stop in the lobby of Focus One (now First City) Credit Union at 404 E Huntington. Some nice art by local folks, right in the lobby.

- Brad Haugaard

Anti-Bullying Club

Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz reports that Monrovia High School is starting an anti-bullying club. I hope the first people it recruits are members of the football team.

- Brad Haugaard

Halloween Roundup

- Old Town Trick-or-Treating on Friday, October 30, from 3-6 p.m. along Myrtle Avenue.
- Halloween Stories on Saturday, October 30, from 2-3 p.m. in the library's Story Time Room. "Gruesome goblins and fierce Frankensteins are invited to an afternoon of stories, songs, craft and film celebrating all things Halloween! Wear your costume."
- Costume Contest on Saturday, October 30, from 3-6 p.m. in Library Park. Also, a Parade of Characters and Pumpkin Carving Contest. For information, call (626) 256-8246. Read more:

- Vendors at Market in the Park (Library Park) will distribute candy from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 31.

- Dia De Los Muertos Turner & Stevens Mortuary, November 2, from 7-10 p.m. 200 E. Duarte Road.
- Brad Haugaard

Swap Candy for a Shot at a Bike

The Monrovia YMCA will accept candy from kids in trade for a raffle ticket to maybe win a new bike. The candy? It goes to Camp Pendleton.
- Brad Haugaard

Schamadan: "For Lease" Signs around Town

Charlotte focuses on the different kinds of signs around town.

- Brad Haugaard

More on Old Monrovia Airport

Here's more Monrovia Airport info for you history buffs:

- Brad Haugaard

Ask a Pharmacist

Do you have questions or need one on one time with a pharmacist? Walgreens Pharmacy Manager, Stuart Lee will be available for a FREE personal consultation at the Monrovia Community Center, 119 W. Palm Avenue on Thursday, October 28 at 1:30 p.m. Reservations are suggested. For additional information and reservations please call the Monrovia Community Center at 626.256.8246.

- Brad Haugaard

School Enrollment Declines

The Monrovia School District's October Enrollment Report shows enrollment for 2010-11 year declined by 52 students. Not good, but the district had figured on losing 70, so better than expected.
- Brad Haugaard

School Enrollment Declines

The Monrovia School District's October Enrollment Report shows enrollment for 2010-11 year declined by 52 students. Not good, but the district had figured on losing 70, so better than expected.
- Brad Haugaard

Go-Between for Builder and School District?

At its Oct. 27 meeting (7:30 p.m.), the Monrovia School Board will consider hiring two Owner's Representatives "to provide enhanced communication and additional oversight of the construction project currently underway at Monrovia High School."
It'll cost the district $80 an hour and travel expenses.
- Brad Haugaard

Go-Between for Builder and School District?

At its Oct. 27 meeting (7:30 p.m.), the Monrovia School Board will consider hiring two Owner's Representatives "to provide enhanced communication and additional oversight of the construction project currently underway at Monrovia High School."
It'll cost the district $80 an hour and travel expenses.

- Brad Haugaard

When MHS Projects Should Be Done

According to a report to be discussed at the Oct. 27 School Board meeting (7:30 p.m.), construction at Monrovia High should be completed on this schedule:

- Science building, stadium, track and field - November 2010.
- Modernization (of various buildings, I believe) - March 2011.
- Mid-Campus Building (Building M) - June 2011.
- Front entrance improvements - June 2011.


- Brad Haugaard

School District: State Using 'Accounting Gimmicks'

Monrovia Schools' Director of Fiscal Services, David Conway, strongly criticized the California State budget in prefacing remarks to a revised school district budget.

Conway said: "As has become standard practice in recent years, the State Budget is balanced using accounting gimmicks, funding shifts, dubious economic forecasts, the assumption of revenue from the Federal government that may not be realized, and an increase in the deferral of state apportionments into the next fiscal year."

He wrote that because the state budget has been balanced in this way, along with the possibility of cuts to educational funding, it is likely the Monrovia School District's estimated budget of about $49 million may soon be deemed to be out of balance.

Here is the full document:

UPDATE: And later, at the board meeting where this information was presented, the board was VERRY ticked off at the state:

- Brad Haugaard

Entertainment Books Support Unity Center

If you use those Entertainment Books for coupons, you can buy the 2011 San Gabriel Valley Entertainment Book ($25) from Foothill Unity Center to help support the Center. The book contains hundreds of 50-percent off and two-for-one discounts on dining, groceries, shopping, services, attractions, plus discounts on travel, home goods, more. You can get them at 415 W. Chestnut Ave., Monrovia - two blocks N. of Huntington, just E. of Mayflower.


- Brad Haugaard

NY Times Bestsellers at Library

Thought you all might like to check to see if the latest NY Times bestselling books are available and checked in at the Monrovia Library. Just click on a book's link to see if it is checked in. (If there's no link, I couldn't find it.)
Top 5 Hardcover Fiction
1. The Reversal, Michael Connelly
2. Fall of Giants, by Ken Follett
3. Freedom, by Jonathan Franzen
4. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, by Stieg Larsson
5. Safe Haven, by Nicholas Sparks

Top 5 Hardcover Nonfiction
1. Obama's Wars, by Bob Woodward
2. Earth (The Book), by Jon Stewart and others
3. Trickle Up Poverty, by Michael Savage (Not Listed at Library)
4. The Roots of Obama's Rage, by Dinesh D'Souza
5. ------ Finish First, by Tucker Max (Not Listed at Library)

- Brad Haugaard

Volleyball: Monrovia 3, San Marino 2 :-)

MHS edges out San Marino.


- Brad Haugaard

Police Activity - October 14-20

[From the Monrovia Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for October 14-20. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven day period, the Police Department handled 556 service events, resulting in 108 investigations.  Following are the last week's highlighted issues and events:

Residential Burglary
On October 15, a residential burglary occurred between 4:00 p.m. and 10:55 p.m. in the 300 block of Bradbury.  The female victim left her residence and was gone for a few hours.  When she returned, she discovered her residence had been ransacked.  The victim was unable to determine the loss at the time.  Entry was made through an unlocked kitchen window.

Residential Burglary
On October 16, a residential burglary occurred between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. in the 200 block of West Cypress.  The suspects made entry through an unlocked bathroom window.  Miscellaneous jewelry was taken.

Stolen Vehicle
October 18 at 6:40 a.m., an officer responded to the 200 block of East Pomona on a vehicle theft report.  A red Acura Integra was stolen from the street in front of the victim's residence.  No suspects were seen.

Suicide Investigation
October 18 at 8:23 a.m., an officer responded to a hotel in the 900 block of South Fifth regarding a subject that had committed suicide by overdosing on prescription drugs.  An adult male subject who had been living at the hotel for the past three months was found deceased in the room by his roommate.  The investigation revealed the deceased was despondent over recently losing his job and he had a history of depression.  A Los Angeles County Coroner's investigator responded to the scene for further investigation.

Stolen Vehicle
October 18 at 12:18 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the area of Duarte and Encino regarding a stolen vehicle.  The victim parked his 1991, red Honda CRX across the street from his residence over the weekend.  When he returned to where he had parked his vehicle, he discovered it had been stolen.  The victim had no idea who could have stolen his vehicle and no witnesses were located.

Death Report
October 18 at 3:53 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the 200 block of Linwood regarding a death investigation.  The deceased was found by a caregiver who was sent to the location at the brother's request.  The brother had not heard from his sister for over two weeks.  Officers arrived and located the deceased 63 year old woman.  No obvious signs of foul play were found.  A Los Angeles County Coroner's investigator responded to the scene for further investigation.

Commercial Burglary
October 18 at 7:59 p.m., loss prevention from a business in the 500 block of West Huntington called and reported two subjects who had stolen merchandise from the store.  The male suspect ran, but the female suspect was detained.  Officers made an area search but did not locate the male suspect.  The suspects had entered the store and put merchandise into an empty purse and backpack.  The male exited without paying for the merchandise, while the female paid for two small items.  She did not pay for the merchandise she had concealed in a large black bag.  All merchandise was recovered.  The male suspect is still outstanding and the female had no identification.   Immigration was advised and an ICE hold was issued, as the suspect was found to be a prior deportee.

Stolen Vehicle
October 19 at 6:49 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 700 block of East Lime.  The vehicle was taken sometime between 8:00 p.m. and 6:49 a.m.  The vehicle taken was a 2000 Honda Civic, black in color.  

Residential Burglary
October 19 at 12:27 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a residence in the 500 block of Norumbega.  The resident left the location at 10:45 a.m., and their housekeeper arrived at the residence at 11:45 a.m.  The housekeeper noticed the dog was keeping its distance, which is unusual.  She then noticed the back window was smashed and she exited the residence.  The police were called.  It appears the suspect sprayed the dog with pepper spray or mace to keep the dog away.  The suspect fled the location with jewelry.

Residential Burglary
October 19 at 12:39 p.m., an officer responded to the 900 block of Norumbega regarding a residential burglary.  The resident had left the location and returned approximately two hours later.  When they returned, they found their dog confined to the deck area of the house, which is separated from the yard where the suspect made entry through an unlocked window.  The suspect fled the location with jewelry.

October 19 at 10:36 p.m., a resident at an apartment complex in the 700 block of South Myrtle called to report that she observed two subjects dressed in dark clothing on the roof of the complex.  The subjects appeared to be making an attempt to get down to a balcony from the roof.  Officers responded and set up a perimeter.  The garage and roof access were searched, but the subjects were not located.  No damage or loss occurred; however, it was clear the two male suspects were seeking ways to get into an apartment.

More Than $900 Raised for Literacy

Monrovia Literacy Services reports that Aurora Baez, owner of Fashion Cuts Salon, organized a raffle benefitting Literacy Services and raised more than $900!

Monrovia Literacy Services says: "Thanks to those of you who bought tickets and the Old Town merchants who donated prizes, including Joe Ferrante Music Academy and Nani Skin Care."


- Brad Haugaard

Mayor Wants Prop 22

Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz has recently posted a couple Pro-Prop 22 items on her Facebook page. I think it is fair to say she wants you to vote yes on 22.

- Brad Haugaard

Burglars in the Foothills

Chief Roger Johnson of the Monrovia Police Department is warning on Facebook that ...

"In the last few days, there have been two daytime burglaries in the 500 and 900 blocks of Norumbega. No one was at home during the burglaries, and it appears that the suspect may have used pepper spray to ward off the owner's dog in one of the cases. Entry was made to the rear of the houses. The houses were ransacked and small items of value were taken. We would encourage residents living in the area to secure your property and report suspicious persons or activity to the Monrovia Police Department as soon as possible. Thank you."

- Brad Haugaard

Bark a Lot - Get a Ticket

The City Council has given police the power to issue citations for barky dogs, instead of requiring a lengthy mediation process.


- Brad Haugaard

Signs of the Times

It is kind of discouraging to see all these "for lease" signs on commercial buildings around Monrovia, but still, I think we have it a lot better than most in these hard times.

- Brad Haugaard

Animal Shelter Runner

Monrovia School Board member Clare Chesley and her kids will be running, or "jogging, walking, wheezing, whatever it takes," on a 5k run at the Rose Bowl this Sunday to benefit animal shelters through

If you would like to sponsor her, or one of children, Fiona or Emory, you can enter their names here ...

and donate what you want.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Next Assemblyman

The Star-News has an article comparing the candidates for Assembly for the 59th District, which includes Monrovia, with the focus on Republican Assembly candidate Tim Donnelly.
- Brad Haugaard

Max's Mex Restaurant to Monrovia

Max's Mexican Cuisine of Duarte will be opening a restaurant in Monrovia, at the site of the old La Parisienne.


- Brad Haugaard

No More Book Club Blog

The Monrovia Public Library has discontinued its Book Club blog:

- Brad Haugaard

Gas Lines

If you want to go digging up the streets (I do it all the time), you might want to check this new interactive map that shows where gas lines are located. It appears there are high pressure lines (above 60 psi) located basically along parts of Duarte Road and Live Oak Avenue.

- Brad Haugaard

Barky Dog Ordinance

At its Tuesday (7:30 p.m. at City Hall) meeting, the Monrovia City Council will consider an ordinance to make it easier to give tickets for minor violations, like barky dogs.

- Brad Haugaard

Howl-oween Haunt

The City of Monrovia is hosting the annual Halloween Event on Saturday, October 30 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Library Park. This event will include a Costume Contest, Parade of Characters, and a Pumpkin Carving Contest. Pumpkin Carving Contest applications are available at the Monrovia Community Center and registration for the Costume Contest will be held on the day of the event. Trick-or-Treating will also be available from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Myrtle Avenue.


- Brad Haugaard

Tree of Hell

The Monrovia Fire Department is very unhappy with the "Tree-of-Heaven," also called Ailanthus and Stinking Suma.
According to the Weekly Report from City Manager Scott Ochoa's office, the tree grows very fast (up to 6 feet in a season) and can break right through concrete. It crowds out everything else, makes an impenetrable stand and builds up fuel and is a mess.

Kill it - pull it out by the roots - if you find it in your yard. Here's how to spot it:

"It is a tall, deciduous tree (meaning that it drops its leaves in autumn) with smooth, grey bark and large, compound leaves 1-4 feet long, composed of many smaller leaflets in two rows. Crushed leaves and cut stems have a strong smell something like burned nuts or rancid peanut butter. Its leaves are somewhat similar in appearance to those of the walnut tree, but the fruits are a give-away - while walnut trees bear a nut inside a heavy, fleshy, roundish fruit (about golf-ball sized), tree-of-heaven's fruits are delicately wing-shaped and born in clusters - right now the fruits are a tan color and you can see many still on the trees, looking almost like clusters of flowers high up. Very tiny tree-of-heaven seedlings bear a slight resemblance to tomato seedlings. The smell of a crushed leaf should give it away."


- Brad Haugaard

Water District Candidates

A very helpful article on understanding the little-followed Municipal Water District and the two candidates who want your vote to sit on its board.

- Brad Haugaard

City Preparing for Fire in Foothills

It has been a long time since the hills above Monrovia burned, and the brush just keeps building up ...

- Brad Haugaard

School Board Upset About HS Building Costs

We knew this, but here's a good story about the Monrovia school district and contractor having a "forceful exchange" about costs and delays.
- Brad Haugaard

Public Art in Monrovia

How public art arose in Monrovia.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Patch Launches

Today is the first day of a new daily online newspaper/directory for Monrovia, called MonroviaPatch.
The Patch nationwide network of smaller-town news websites is owned by AOL. The company has hired professional journalists at (from what I've read) very attractive salaries.

I am glad Patch is here. Journalism has had a rough time adjusting to the Internet world. International, national, and state news is, I think, well covered on the Internet, but the big, gaping hole has been small-town journalism. And what happens when you don't have small-town journalism? Bell! That's what happens.

So welcome Patch, and Editor Nathan McIntire.

My only concern about Patch (other than that it sounds like a gardening site) is that I don't understand how it will make money. (I'm not even *trying* to make money with From what I've read I think it plans to sell national and local ads and position itself as a local directory, sort of like a yellow pages, in which merchants can upgrade their free listings for a fee. Things like this have been done in the past (I was involved in founding and it is very difficult with the costs of selling to local merchants. And if you add in the costs of a local editorial staff, I think it will be extremely difficult. But times have changed and maybe AOL has found a way.

Best wishes, Patch!

- Brad Haugaard

Mascot Added to New Gym

The Wildcats mascot has been added over the door of the new Monrovia High gym.

Some pictures here:

- Brad Haugaard

Make a Difference Pictures

Some great pictures by Terry Miller over at Monrovia Weekly of people involved in Make a Difference Day.

- Brad Haugaard

VFW Wants Teachers

The Arcadia-Monrovia VFW is looking for nominees for its "Teacher of the Year" awards:

- Brad Haugaard

Water Board?

I dunno. Waterboarding seems a little bit severe for the poor guy.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Big Boats

Garry Acs points out on the "I like Monrovia because ..." Facebook page that Monrovia has huge boats.


- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Airfield History

Here's an interesting bit of history, with some cool old black-and-white pictures, of the old Monrovia airfield.

- Brad Haugaard

Mobile Dental Clinic

We had a bit on this earlier, but here's a nice story about the big dental clinic for Monrovia elementary students in the Star-News.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Wildcats Clobber Blair :-)

Oh, man! I feel sorry for Blair. 57 to zero.

- Brad Haugaard

Life-Sentence Appeal Rejected

A three-justice panel has turned down the appeal of Shawna Lenora Robles, who said life in prison was cruel and unusual punishment. She was convicted of killing an elderly Monrovia couple in 2003.


- Brad Haugaard

More Train Station Project Study

Monrovia has been working with Olson Urban Housing to try to figure out what to do with the 20-acre area around the proposed new Monrovia Gold Line train station (Here's a rough map of the site location: ). The City Council agenda says that "the economic recession has had a considerable affect on the Developer’s site model analysis."

I'll bet.

So the city wants to work with Olson for another six months to do "additional project analysis."

Anyway, the City Council will decide whether to do that at its next meeting, 7:30 p.m. on October 19 at City Hall.

Here's the Council agenda (PDF):

- Brad Haugaard

Electronic Sign

New electronic sign at Nazarene Church.

- Brad Haugaard

Make a Difference

This Saturday, October 16, is Make a Difference Day. Meet at the Monrovia Public Library. Registration and continental breakfast at 7:30 am; work starts at 8 a.m. For information contact Amy Gray (626) 256-8187 or

- Brad Haugaard

Police Activity - October 7-13

[Highlights (lowlights?) from the Monrovia Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for October 7-13. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven day period, the Police Department handled 541 service events, resulting in 94 investigations. Following are the last week's highlighted issues and events:

Vehicle Burglary
October 7 at 12:47 p.m., an officer went to a residence in the 100 block of West Colorado regarding a vehicle burglary. The victim reported that his company's vehicle was broken into sometime during the night. Investigation continuing.

Vehicle Burglary
October 7 at 3:20 p.m., an officer went to a park in the 1200 block of North Canyon on the report of a vehicle burglary. The victim parked his black Toyota Highlander in a lower level parking lot and went for a hike in the park. Upon his return, he found the passenger window broken out on his vehicle. His property was stolen and the investigation continuing.

Mental Evaluation
October 7 at 9:31 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the 100 block of West Foothill regarding a subject who wanted to harm himself. A male subject riding as a passenger in his mother's vehicle had begun stating he wanted to harm himself by ending his life. He was detained and taken to a hospital and held for mental evaluation.

Filing a False Police Report
October 7 at 11:38 p.m., officers responded to a location in the 200 block of Aspen regarding a subject attempting to repossess a vehicle when another subject exited the residence with an assault rifle. Officers arrived and detained the involved parties. The officers investigated and discovered there was no brandishing of a rifle. Officers interviewed the parties and the investigation is continuing.

Domestic Violence - Suspect Arrested
October 8 at 12:55 a.m., officers responded to the 100 block of West Colorado on the report of a female stating she had been struck by her boyfriend. During the investigation, officers discovered a battery had occurred and they arrested the male subject.

Traffic Collision
October 8 at 4:39 p.m., police received a call reporting that a vehicle had ended up in the wash in the 1600 block of South Mountain. Monrovia Fire Department personnel responded and used a ladder to have the driver climb out of the wash. The driver was not injured. Los Angeles County Flood Control and tow service were notified.

Auto Burglaries / Search Warrant - Suspect Arrested
Since last May, there have been several auto burglaries in the 1200 block of North Canyon at the park. On October 7, officers were sent to the park regarding a suspicious vehicle. An officer located the suspicious vehicle and identified the driver. No crime was known at that time. Just after the subject was sent on his way, a call was received reporting an auto burglary at the park. After the investigation was conducted, it was determined that the person stopped by the officer was the suspect. Enough information was obtained for a search warrant. A search warrant was served on October 9, and items were recovered in the search that link the suspect to several burglaries. The suspect was taken into custody.

Grand Theft Auto Recovery
On October 5, a 1994 Acura Integra was stolen from the 1300 block of South Alta Vista. On October 10, an officer patrolling in the 400 block of Genoa located the vehicle parked on the street in front of a residence. The stereo had been taken from the vehicle. Investigation continuing.

Mental Evaluation
October 11 at 11:56 p.m., a female subject came into the police lobby, crying and asking for help. She stated her live-in-boyfriend of many years was acting crazy and was possibly suicidal. She said that when she left her residence, he was attempting to light things on fire in the rear yard. Officers responded and located the male subject in the rear yard. He had started a very small fire on top of a wooden table. Officers detained him and determined he was not mentally stable. He was transported to a hospital, where he was held for mental evaluation.

Pinkberry Picture

Beautiful photograph of Pinkberry, on Myrtle.

- Brad Haugaard

MHS Track Not Done

When the Monrovia High athletic folks were told that the field at MHS would be done in time for the football game against Arcadia, they thought that meant the whole stadium would be done.
The track isn't done and now the athletic department is scrambling to find a neutral site for a couple events.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovians Sentenced to Life in Prison

Two Monrovia gang members have been sentenced to life imprisonment for the 2008 killing of Sammantha Salas.

- Brad Haugaard

Wildcat Football Pictures

Some nice Wildcat football photos.

- Brad Haugaard

Got a Convertible?

If you own a convertible and would like to drive in the Monrovia Holiday Parade on Thursday, December 2 at 7 p.m., then contact Lisa Hansberger at the Monrovia Community Center (626) 256-8246.

- Brad Haugaard

Dental Clinic Pictures

Pictures of the dental clinic, sponsored by Monrovia's Foothill Unity Center, USC, and the Monrovia Unified School District.

One hundred elementary students received care at the clinic, valued at between $1,500-$2,000 per student.

Key contributors included San Marino Women’s Club, Kaiser Permanente Baldwin Park and a individual contributors. Help is still needed to cover $8,000 in costs. If you'd like to help, contact Cathy Klose at 626-359-1777 or

- Brad Haugaard

Sentencing Scheduled for Murder

Two cousins face life in prison after being convicted of 2008 murder of Monrovian Sammantha Salas.

- Brad Haugaard

Couple Charged With Involvement in Kidnap Case

Monrovia couple have been charged with helping kidnap young boys.

- Brad Haugaard

'Gentleman Joe' Ragsdale Dies

The Rotary Club of Monrovia announced the death of long-time member Joe Ragsdale, known affectionately to his friends in Rotary as "Gentleman Joe" Ragsdale. Ragsdale was Rotary President for 1955-1956 and remained an active member until 2010. The club's Facebook page says, "Joe will be missed by many in the community from many walks of life. A celebration of his life is being planned but a date has not been set."
Mayor Pro Tem Tom Adams added that Ragsdale "was unlike any other, a real class act."

- Brad Haugaard

New Management

Interesting and humorous banner on Monrovia First Methodist Church.

- Brad Haugaard

City Manager: Time Running out for Golden State

Methinks City Manager Scott Ochoa is not impressed with the latest California state budget.

From his weekly report ( ):

"It appears as though the State of California will have a budget some time this weekend. Approximately 100 days late, predicated on less-than-conservative revenue estimates, and a yet-unseen-commitment of significant additional federal aid, it would seem that - once again - the Legislature is passing a 'get out of town' budget that will simply carry over an estimated $10 billion deficit to the 2011-12 fiscal year. California was dysfunctional before the Great Recession. If this prolonged fiscal crisis cannot rally and sustain some form of interest (let alone action) from an engaged electorate, then I fear we are approaching a threshold at which - absent significant and meaningful reform - California will no longer be able to succeed in spite of itself. It is not yet too late, but without real leadership - meaning having a Governor and Legislators who will confront and openly and practically address our most pressing issues - time will run out for the 'Golden State'."

- Brad Haugaard

City Manager Supports Prop 22

Monrovia City Manager Scott Ochoa appears to support Proposition 22, which he says "would close a loophole that still allows the State of California to steal local monies." He adds: "[J]ust this past year, the State demanded $3 million from the Monrovia Redevelopment Agency (whose annual budget is a little over $8 million). As you may remember, we refused because we did not have $3 million simply lying around..."


- Brad Haugaard

Talent Show Pix

Pictures of the Monrovia Rotary Club's Talent Show:

My favorite picture:

- Brad Haugaard

Bears Near Mayflower School?

Monrovian Carol Hinds writes to the Star-News (second letter down) saying bears have taken up residence near Mayflower Elementary School and asks if they can't be moved.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Man Arrested in Kidnapping Case

A Monrovia man was arrested Sunday on charges he helping abduct two Anaheim boys.


- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Arts Festival

Pictures from the Arts Festival today.

- Brad Haugaard

Celebration of Native American Heritage

Wednesday, October 13, 2-3:30 p.m. Native American drummers, dancers, and storytellers under the Morton Bay Fig in Library Park.

Football: Monrovia Over Paramount :-)

27-7 nonleague victory over Pirates.

- Brad Haugaard

School Goal: Schools at or above 900 API by 2015

At its Wednesday, October 15 meeting, the Monrovia School board will consider a vision statement, five-year goals, building and modernization progress at Monrovia High, and various other stuff. If you want to attend, the public session starts at 7:30 p.m. Full agenda here (PDF):
Here is the Mission Statement:
By working actively and cooperatively, as students, staff, parents, and community, the Monrovia Unified School District is committed to devoting its energy, resources, and support to provide:
- Academically rigorous educational programs which foster the maximum development of each student's potential.
- A challenging, supportive, safe, orderly, and positive learning environment.
- Quality staff
- Quality service

And here are the 2015 Goals (I'm summarizing a bit):
1. All eligible schools become California Distinguished Schools and National Blue Ribbon Schools.
2. All schools get to 900 or higher on the state API score. [800, by the way, is the score that makes Sacramento happy, so this is shooting nicely higher.]
3. 75 percent of high school grads satisfy A-G requirements for admission to UC and CSU; opportunities for students to participate in advanced coursework increase 100 percent; 100 percent of grads will be prepared to "enter college, advanced training, or a career."
Here's a link to the full mission statement/goals document (PDF):
- Brad Haugaard

October Book Topic: The Odd and Eerie

The Monrovia Book Club's topic of the month is scary stuff. You can contribute your favorite books (especially the shivery ones) at the Book Club's blog, here:

- Brad Haugaard

Volleyball: La Canada over Monrovia :-(

Star-News game story: ...

and shots of the game:

- Brad Haugaard

More on Tomorrow's Art Festival

Lots more information on the Art Festival this weekend at Library Park (along with the Friends of the Library book sale).

Featured Artist is Ginger Van Hook, a photographer working in silver based media and digital. One of the musical groups that will be playing is the indy rock band Secret Citizen.

More here:

- Brad Haugaard

Schamadan: Santa Fe Breaks 800 on API Test

Monrovia columnist Charlotte Schamadan reports that Santa Fe Middle School has for the first time broken the magic 800 score on the API tests. Congrats to Santa Fe!

Also, she gets some action from Disney on closed-caption videos.

Police Activity, September 30 - October 6

[From the Monrovia Police Department's Neighborhood Watch report for Sept. 30-Oct. 6. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven day period, the Police Department handled 529 service events, resulting in 109 investigations. Following are the last week's highlighted issues and events:

Attempted Robbery
September 30 at 10:52 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a business parking lot in the 3300 block of South Peck Road regarding an attempt robbery. Two employees of a catering business reported three male suspects hit them with their fists and demanded money from them. The victims refused to give the suspects any money and the suspects then fled. Investigation continuing.

Vandalism - Three Suspects Arrested
September 30 at 5:30 p.m., an officer observed three subjects trespassing onto railroad property and tagging a wall. Containment of the area was set up and the three suspects were located and arrested; two of the subjects are juveniles and the third is an adult. They were arrested and brought to the jail for booking.

Peeping / Prowling - Suspect Arrested
October 1 at 8:49 p.m., officers responded to the report of a male suspect looking into a female victim's bathroom window. Upon arrival, officers saw the suspect at the corner of Colorado and Primrose, where they detained him. The female victim positively identified the suspect and he was arrested. Investigation continuing.

Burglary / Robbery - Suspect Arrested
October 2 at 10:35 a.m., police received a call reporting a fight in progress in the 1600 block of South Mountain. A loss prevention officer from a business was in an altercation with a theft suspect. When the officer arrived, the loss prevention officer had already taken the suspect into custody. The suspect went into the business and selected merchandise, which he placed it in a cart and then walked out of the business without paying. Minutes later, he walked back into the store to return the merchandise, where he was contacted by store loss prevention. The suspect walked out and refused to stop. He was pursued by a loss prevention officer and an altercation began. The suspect was arrested and booked for burglary and robbery.

October 3 at 4:59 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a hotel in the 900 block of South Fifth Avenue. A male suspect, approximately 18 to 20 years old, jumped the front counter in the lobby after asking the employee if they could make change. As soon as the register was open, he jumped over the counter and took money from the drawer. He jumped back over and fled. The investigation is continuing.

Aggravated Assault - Suspect Arrested
October 4 at 7:39 p.m., police received a call of an assault that just occurred between two male adults in an alley in the 400 block of West Hurstview. The victim and suspect have a long history of conflict between their two families. The victim was sitting in a crouched position, smoking a cigarette, when the suspect came home. The suspect confronted the victim and an altercation ensued. The victim received numerous punches to the face during the altercation, and other facial injuries may have resulted from his falling to the ground after being struck. The victim was taken to a hospital. The suspect had left the scene, but came to the station to give a statement approximately four hours after the incident. His statements, combined with the physical evidence and injuries to the victim, resulted in his arrest for aggravated assault.

Giant Weed-Whacker

Giant weed-whacker at work today in Sawpit Dam.

- Brad Haugaard

Book Sale and Art Show

The Friends of the Library book sale (open to the public tomorrow - Saturday. Oct. 7 - and Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) is being held in conjunction with the Monrovia Fine Arts Association Show in Library Park. Kate Clark, of MAFA, said there will be 55 artists, particularly jewelers and photographers, at the show. 10 to 6 p.m. And remember, on Sunday, 3-5 p.m., is the $2-per-bag book sale.

- Brad Haugaard

Statue of Liberty to Speak

Learn about the history of America's Golden Age on Thursday, October 14, at 10 a.m. at the Monrovia Community Center, 119 W Palm Avenue. The speaker will present her program dressed as the Statue of Liberty. This event will be entertaining and educational. Forest Lawn presents these free educational programs at the Community Center on the third Thursday of each month. For additional information and reservations please call the Monrovia Community Center at (626) 256.8246.

- Brad Haugaard

Make a Difference Day, October 16

The City of Monrovia and the Public Works Department will be sponsoring another volunteer clean-up along the 210 Freeway from Magnolia to Mayflower. If you or your group or organization is able to assist from 8 a.m. until noon, please contact the Volunteer Center of San Gabriel Valley at (626) 256-8187, or visit Participants must be 18 years or older to be allowed on the Cal Trans right-of-way.

- Brad Haugaard

School Board to Consider Hiring Construction Overseer

At a special meeting at 4 p.m. Wednesday (Oct. 6), the Monrovia School Board will discuss hiring BRJ Associates as a consultant to oversee continuing construction at Monrovia High School, and to do "an audit of work performed thus far."
The board will also discuss the cost of new architectural renderings to show exterior colors of high school buildings and new construction, plus colors for the inside of the new gymmasium.
Board agenda here (PDF):

Monrovia Is Very Business Friendly

Monrovia is one of LA County's six most business-friendly small cities.

The Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation lists Monrovia (along with neighbors Duarte and Azusa) among its six finalists for cities with less than 60,000 population.

The winner will be announced November 10.

Here's the blurb from the press release about Monrovia:

"Monrovia public officials and staff work tirelessly to attract and retain businesses in this city of nearly 40,000 residents. With a diverse portfolio of businesses ranging from nationally known technology firms to small businesses, Monrovia offers an array of services and incentives for businesses including financial relocation assistance, lease/tenant subsidies, broker bounties, the Old Town business development assistance and facade improvement programs, two redevelopment project areas, no utility user tax assessment and city fees that are well below the average of other San Gabriel Valley cities. Monrovia was also named a finalist in 2008."

And here's the full press release:

- Brad Haugaard

Vision 2015 to be studied by the City Council tonight.

Tonight at the Monrovia City Council Meeting.

AR-1 is the submission for Council review of the Vision 2015 Strategic Planning document. Going back to 1995, Monrovia has pulled together a diverse set of stakeholders in the Old Town district to try to map out a future direction. Back then, it was Vision 2000 – which focused on attracting new restaurants, providing outdoor dining opportunities, and, of course, securing a multi-screen cinema. In 2000, we had Vision 2005 – which focused on new infrastructure downtown, attracting mixed-use development, providing new parking, and even planning for a new Library. Of course, Vision 2005 took us a little longer to achieve. But the idea remains the same – chart a course based on the collective wisdom of informed stakeholders, and then move forward.


Vision 2015 was constructed over the past year by a diverse mix of Old Town stakeholders – merchants, property owners, residents, public officials, real estate professionals, developers, etc. The plan focuses on four areas: Land Use Planning, Marketing & Promotions, Place-Making & Image, and Redevelopment. Additionally, each section is accompanied by specific actions and steps to help move the agenda forward. If past history is any indication, Vision 2015 will provide a valuable blueprint for the future of Old Town Monrovia. Staff recommends approval of this strategic planning document.

Tom Adams

Mayor Pro Tem

Rainy Days Picture

A beautiful picture of a pine tree in the mist at Monrovia Canyon Park.

- Brad Haugaard

Read Across Monrovia Oct 7

Read Across Monrovia is a semi-annual event (next one this Thursday, October 7) in which community volunteers spend 20 to 30 minutes reading their favorite literature to school children. If you'd like to be a volunteer, contact Joanne Spring at 626-358-1952 or

- Brad Haugaard

City Council Agenda: Buy a Licence Plate Reader? More...

Tonight's (Oct. 5) City Council meeting is at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Among other items, the council will consider whether to ...

- authorize the "purchase of one automated license plate reader from PIPS Technology in the Amount of $22,550" for the police department.

- award a contract of $265,065 to Freeway Electric, Inc. for street and traffic signal improvements at Myrtle Avenue and Huntington Drive, and at Myrtle and Chestnut avenues.

- Brad Haugaard

Need for Assistance 'Extremely High'

With the economy in sorry shape, many Monrovians are having a very rough time.

Joan Whitenack, executive director of the Foothill Unity Center, said today at the Monrovia Coordinating Council that demands on the Center's services are "extremely high."

"As the economy nosedives," she said, "we skyrocket."

However, she said, "Monrovia cares about meeting needs," and the Center has been able to meet the needs of people who have have come it for help.

- Brad Haugaard

New Series at First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church began new series Sunday called The Jesus Creed, based on the book of the same name by Dr. Scot McKnight.

- Brad Haugaard

Bear in Backyard

This bear-in-the-backyard thing is getting pretty routine these days. 200 block of West Greystone:

- Brad Haugaard

City's Position on Rejected Tax-Repeal Measure

City Manager Scott Ochoa devotes a large part of his weekly report (click below) to describing the city's position relating to the petition to repeal a proposed ballot measure to repeal a long-standing property tax.

Ochoa said, "This proposed ballot measure was not good public policy; but that is not why it was rejected. It was rejected because it was not carefully and correctly crafted."

Monrovia Community Policing Program Is Finalist

The Monrovia Police Department was named a finalist in an international Community Policing Award.

Wildcats Win :-)

Monrovia 28, South Hills 25.

Star News story:

- Brad Haugaard

Big Book Sale

Friends of the Library is holding a book (and other media) sale next Friday through Sunday. (Oct. 8-10). Friday is for members of Friends of the Library only (noon-5 p.m.). Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 5, it's open to all. Sunday 3-5 p.m. is the $2-per-bag sale. (I've been before. Some great deals!) For details, see:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Rejects Tax-Cut Measure Petition

Monrovia City Clerk Alice Atkins has rejected a petition to put a tax-cut measure on the city ballot due to the circulator's "failure to include on the petitions a copy of the Notice of Intention as required by Elections Code Section 9207."
The Star-News quotes ( John Jogminas, the author of the Monrovia tax-cut measure, as saying the 591-signature petition to put the measure on the ballot was thrown out "on a technicality" and that he had asked the City Attorney to review the measure before it was circulated and the city rejected that request.
The city's press release confirms that the city refused to review the petition prior to circulation, and adds that the Municipal Law Handbook, published by the League of California Cities, says, "Compliance with statutory requirements is the responsibility of the initiative proponent. It is not the responsibility of the city attorney to advise the proponent or correct the proponent's errors...."
Here's the city's press release:
- Brad Haugaard

Focus One Credit Union Merging

Monrovia's Focus One Credit Union is merging with First City Credit Union of Los Angeles.

- Brad Haugaard